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Billionaire 's Delicate Wife

Chapter 7 7

Word Count: 1024    |    Released on: 02/12/2023

Mansion ~~~~~

er unborn child through miscarriage, she sat without any aim or motives just staring at the mansion's door waiting for Alix to come home or walk inside with a bright smile like she usually did.

utiful daughter, he had sent men to search for her in the whole of city C but she was nowhere to be found. He slowly climbed down the stairs walking towards Jia, a fake smile str

resemblance to Alice, also Alice got her red hair from her father. "I don't want to, I want to wait for my Alice to come home to me. Did you find he

t don't worry about that, I know our Alice is alright and will come running to us very soon

mumbled refusing to listen to her husband, the maids standing nearby all gazed at her with worried and sad expressions on thei

her, the door of the mansion pushed open and they both stood up on their feet immediately gazing at the door with smiles curved on their faces. "My Alice is home now, my Alice is home a

the heavy atmosphere. "You? What are you doing here? Both of you get out now, I don't

ill, "Mom, Mom doesn't say that." Sophia muttered in a coy voice trying to

r little to convince her parents to listen to her, "Get out of here Sophia, you are not needed in this mansion. You don't have any place in this family anymore, get yourself out of here

or a moment, please. Please Dad, just listen to me already." Sophia

ter. "Father-in-law? How dare you call me father-in-law, I am not your father-in-law. Don't call me by that despicable name" Mr. Dennis

m her father and the onlookers but it was void and pointless. "Guards, take her away from my sight t

dragged out by the guards. "Father-in-law, father inlaw please

. "I want my daughter, Alice I wonder where Alice ran off to. Alice. I... Want... My... Alice... Back.

ison promised to pick her up into his hands. "Tell them to find her no matter what, I

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