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Knife on His Lap

Chapter 3 Wrong Turns

Word Count: 1653    |    Released on: 02/12/2023


d offer assistance. The city had already succumbed to darkness, making the prospect of finding another motel without hiring a cab seem daunting, and unfortunately, I lacked the funds for such transportation. Spying a small tea shop in the corner, I approached the seller to inquire about the elusive motel. Afte

ndering if we had reached our destination. As I scanned the su

to his back, attempting to extricate my luggage from his

d me, and I realized I was surrounded by a group of rowdy-looki

d with the predatory men closing in on me. There was no escape route, and the realization that life was more import

m remarked, "Why settle for mere money

, maybe we can have her and then sell her to th

the highest bidder than have our w

uch my face, but before he could I kicked his groin only to hear a scream in the alley. The boy

hold. Tears welled up in my eyes as they tore pieces of my clothes in the struggle. "We were going to be gentle with you for your first time,"

irled in their eyes as they watched hungrily. Despite my attempts to scurry away, the tight grip on my shoulders, arms, and legs thwarted any escape. "God, please stop!" I screamed at the top of

discern the form of my savior as my vision was obstructed by a wall of boys. "Well, I'm sorry to inform you gentlemen-well, not too gently considering what you wer

ning my side and retreating from this predatory force. My brain buzzed with adrenaline, everything appeared blurry yet strangely precise - his movements, his angry grey eyes, his worried frown. It all focused sharply in my perception, but his presence in front of me felt almost like an illusion. Our brains have a ten

moonpie. I'm so sorry," he whispered, planting an assuring kiss on my forehead. Rising to his full frame of 6"3, he walked back to the end of the alleyway. However, one last time, he glared at the cowering boys, a roar of warning ringing through, "Don't move an inch if you value your life, for if it comes to the situa

I realized that this man carrying me was indeed real. My head rested against his broad chest, and I could hear his heart pounding relentlessly. His steps were precise as he skillfully navigat

shape of the car, but not its number or any other useful detail. Panic set in my brain-what if this unknown man kidnapped me and sold me? Other than his face, I

s hour?" his low voice, laced with an

e worried..." I trailed

ay one?" His sharp response startled

glare made me bite my lip in fear, and with a swift kick, he opened the passenger seat door and shoved me roughly inside. A wince of pain shot through my entire body as I jumped to complain, "Listen, sir..." Before I could continue,

and "oh..." was all that escaped my lips when his hand gra

a thread. "But today, your stupidity," he spat, "has not only put you in grave danger but also cost lives of people, however worthless they might be. Now be a good girl and sit here while I go fetch your luggage, and I swear on your father that is stopping me from snapping at you, y

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