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Sent To Kill The Billionaire Mafia Boss

Chapter 3 Three

Word Count: 1120    |    Released on: 15/12/2023


g some of his agents on their devices. He had been trying to reach Ma

s in the room with him had being able to track her exact whereabouts; no

g device on her had been deactivated since last night, it's

e."What about the other things

ing deactivated

designated to the man in front of him before p


ely got out. He took the elevator to the top floor and went it's door opened,

shoulder and waited f

oss."If you're then I'm am sorry to inform you that we'll have to resc

, Omar Troja, you son of a bitch, I didn't know you were City N." He put his a

ty. He knew he was and also knew why. He knew Omar cam

y. He knew the man in front of him had found out he was in City

discussing something very confidential. He had a tone of humou

tant was there and able to hear every word they said.

a cold voice and they both watched as she

ressed a button on the private elevator to ge

sked Leo who was no

traight face as he asked. Surely, he knew who Omar was asking


rl, wha

he's alive or not. If she is, we ca

's the most whacky agent

's n

so because she's beautiful. Did you really thin

se yourself to women when we were you

men anywhere around the place. I never missed the opportunity to enjoy being around beautiful

is lips."Is she alive or not?" He had to ask ag

ck at your office to report." Leo gave an unmatched answer for what

ivate parking space and watched as Leo got into the car which wa

e, Omar took out his phone to call the per

but Miss Yrote is back to the office." He wa

d be told that Leo was expecting us presence at his office before he came. He did

Leo had been up to since he was earlier dispersed to another


everyone around knew who he was asking about. He was led to the

where she was. She looked down in shame whe

he others that just followed b

s s

e room, he closed the door and went to take a seat. Mae didn't

ted his back and loosened his tie. He wanted t

She felt ashamed and moreso, useless. She knew how much she was trained for yesterday

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