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Dragon Heart

Dragon Heart

Author: Levia

Chapter 1 Fàrnir’s pov

Word Count: 2398    |    Released on: 23/12/2023

autiful moonlights which is always flanked by its twinkling companions . The

s which were filled with cars because whose headlights illuminated the streets and stretch f

the peak of their nightly business. For any New Yorker this was a normal sight , bu

was noisy and abso

d is as disgust

gust as he scanned the sight with a

en away by the glasses he wore we

ious thing from his kingdom and contempt that for all the place

the city’s liveliness. This wasn't gone unnoticed by Fàrnir who focused his gaze on the blonde

efuse the blonde fool who had a penchant for adventure and desire to explore new pla

ausing the blonde to shrink back in fright. “What did I

u know what I'm talking about Karnix. Do not get distracted , w

n and the gravity of what was at stake not for them only but the fate

Dutch. Ravâ was a brown head albino with green ey

th a height of six feet and eight inches and ful

around 70 pounds with a height of six feet and three inches. An i

s of height. six feet and four inches b

muscular body bigger than Karnix but significantly less

h the city inconspicuously so found that that the

treets of New York City with several eyes on the as people couldn’t h

he rest. They realized that they were basically going in circles. The

are we going to track the egg

n for the egg? Probably where the egg’s aura was at its

.” Ravâ eyes stared at all the people that

le. “ Fàrnir a

different buildings around them. They

he collided with someone. At the sudden bump he look

zed it. Human. His dragon growled but not in

ld he be suddenly inte

eyes couldn’t help but trace the female’s face. From her pouty upper dark lip and lowe

s years of being alive. It was a deep instinct to grab her and take her with him. Hide her face from the world and be the

s were glazed with a weird kind of tenderness that his men had never seen before. But the

you standing in the middle of the sidewalk in a daze .” She

her answer. What happened to his sweet little thing. He di

h his silence and just con

d as she walked away from Fàrnir. “ They are really irresponsib

to their special abilities they wer

re witnesses to the whole situation look at

at. One who also badly rejected him? Wow! To say that t

had just happened to him , Ravâ had found an empty publ

d flustered, while Karnix and Dutch were staring wide

I miss.”

d his mouth but Fàrnir shut him

around as always. “ Fàrnir di

avâ made pe

on but I wax able to find areas where the eggs

let’s get going. “ Fàrnir turned to leave but his way wa

were also blocked by the group of scanty dresse

apped her hands round Fàrnir’s larg

e for the night?” She placed her palm on his chest and

le. He couldn’t physically hurts her as it was wrong to use his st

bout to fling it away when the female interlock

ushed bashfully. “Must guy

her arms around him will giving him a mis


he rest but Karnix and Ravâ were having issues turning away the females. This went about

ing to avoid the girls ,but they m

andoned looking apartments

nix asked while eyeing the deserted street

ced this exact location at apparen


a deep breath .”I can still scent the egg bu

kets. The stone had markings on its surface a

particular strings of foreign words

and then he dropped the

hipped around it's until it dispersed an

and Dutch bent and opened the box which revealed the whole lot of we

,whips, bombs and other d

ilt and markings on the blade. Markings which were very

egg before they will

ted at a bunch of people running into t

black clothes and had auras that were ver

ed and agility that they used to run was evidence

fter them with determination. This was the only chance they had to rest

escapees split between the two r

a halt as they were perplex

nix turned

ther side. Make sure to completely overtake

nd Fàrnir was done. Each of them ran in the


of his team.” I need your eyes up

ween the two paths. Cause if anyone of them is wit

d his legs bent in a crouching position. With this he crawled up the wall of the building avoidi

abandoned building where they sensed the eggs aura.

formed back into the blue gem with he bent and

. His gut was telling him to check the

e doors. He entered the lobby room where broken pieces of glass l

me help w

ought to

eep breath. With a second his body

ppeared on his neck and his nails

mething d

ing st



bear with the grammar mistakes as I am using my phone to type

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