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Dark Side Of Obsession

Dark Side Of Obsession

Author: prince15

Chapter 1 abusive family

Word Count: 2397    |    Released on: 28/12/2023


her, a porn actress, my two brothers are a member of a huge gan

s. They would beat me if I did something that they don't like.

of bruises and bruises every time you wake up in the m

ld hurt myself too whenever I'm lonely. I got used to the pain that I s

it became my comfort? I don't know. When I see bloo

azy, just li

d around the dirty room. I should clean this room.

at this room has. The mattress also needs to be replaced beca

he cobwebs from the walls and ceiling

s room been unused? An

rs to do. It's almost night. I still nee

now what's the reason why the previous cook was drop

d at this kind of work. I can do

ause it is enclosed in a thick cellophane, there is also a thin blanke

r hard bed and loo

s like a new one because of the cleanliness I've done here. The

l and old cell phone. It's alre

eir kitchen. This house is not that confusing. It

said I would be really angry. I have free use of what's in their house, food, water and electricity. The salary that I will receive is

the wall to get his attention. He turned to me and immediately turned off the TV. H

took out my notebo

oing t

as he read

our bosses are coming home from work today, they're sure to be tir

and wrote again

the othe

people to stay in their house. The two are strict. There was someone

fortable her


not anymore, just

a hand to

any questions. Maybe th

eeded. I won't have to search anymore because there is everything I need to cook

ete. It's just dizzying to search and shop because there are so man

thing I would need for cook

this task because of watching videos onlin

that must have been a comedy because he was laughing so loudly. I keep wondering if he can still do that whe

t because he was excited to be back on TV. Even its name he forgot to sh

both at the same time so this job is quick. I have also coo

ooked at the little bruises from the oil that had spla

ed it well so it didn't get cold. Maybe because our boss will

g next to me. I saw the old man curious about w

t, they should be the first to taste

two small Tupperwares and scooped a

me. We'll be upset if they see us wandering around them while they're eat

t I am thin. Very thin. Maybe that's why h

red there, I immediately ate. It's almost six o'clock, you can eat at this time. I

he room on the side of the bed. I be

Sometimes they bring other people so the food will really run out. I will als

d I woke up when the coldness crept into me. I loo


ter. I bet the boss isn't roaming aroun

it. My hand was hanging in the air

lly thinks she

was it? I slowly lowered the glass I was holding.

r not far from the kitchen. It was quite

suck my di

hly startled me that I dropped the glass I was holding


hell is

shattering of the glass that fell f

elf I shouldn't feel the feelings I got used

? What to

growing voice. My eyes widened when

rt attack when he

But it's like he still can't see my face because h

s the

t you? But wit

lt something when he said those names. Who is this Et

my notebook to communicate with him. I didn't bring it beca

ver and over again. I don't know how to an

into a fûcking psyc

an talk to me, it's like he knows me well. It's ju

st noticed that he's very baked in front of me. Wearing

t of here or you are going to see a different version o

eyes chec

?" He smirked. I feel like that was an insult.

his eyes narrowed as

s? You used to have those super huge boobie

don't even know that. I shouldn't be affect

you? Your bôobs who seems to be fake? Your face, maybe? You look good. But i

ed, Ethan. He's

't talking back?! I lo

fear of suddenly getting angr

saw that it was scattered there too much. I should clean this up. I turned my back on him


oice is darker. Sc

nd shook my head. I wasn'

to show up in our house after you

n away as far as you can before Norman smells you. You

w that woma

d in the big house.

in front of me. My heart beat faster as I remained bent

t he was going to say hung up

in those eyes. What was that? His mou

called Theo groan

acing the ps

to death by the man called Norman. And a hard slap


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