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Billionaire Muse

Chapter 4 D

Word Count: 1095    |    Released on: 03/01/2024

,he treated me like a slave and whenever I asked for the reason he is making my life this miserable,he would just turn to me,laugh and sit down. I kept wondering if I did anything wrong",

ted his ex- girlfriends whenever he was with them."Promise me you won't tell a soul about what I have just told you, not even Rose...I repeat,nobody,p

to him about? You were explaining and reporting me to him right?"Bella looked at him with sorrowful eyes,speechless.He continued," I'm definitely collecting your phone so you would keep

ife", she said crying.He laughed out loud and left the room without saying a word."I hate you",Bella screamed out loud as her voice

he most expens

l shed to tac

en heart

still shed

ped writing. "My life is now very miserable just after one month of staying in Japan and I don't even know where I am in this country". She attempted to go ou

he didn't let her leave the room. Bella could not help bu

o you about something"."Okay,

erson said as he remembered he had promised Bella that

on, can you hear

want us to go and see my mom tomorrow"."Are you being serious?", Rose asked in excitement as she raised her eyebrows."Yes I am, she said she misses me and wants me to come hom

sked with curiosity."Okay,so after my dad died in Canada when they both went there for holiday, she

be very happy to see you", he added."Okay,if you say so", Rose said and stood up. "Where

go together,

y, held Rose's hand and they left for downstairs."I'm driving", Rose said as she entered the car. "No, I

red the car and Rose drove off. On getting to the store,they both alighted from the car."So,what are we getting?"Anderson asked as he moved closer to Rose and they crossed each other'

uld I get beef or I shouldn't worry about it?",he asked. "

id not pick up. Have you heard from Trent since they

to make payment. "Your bill is 400 dollars", the cashier told Anderson as he was about to pay. Rose gave the cashier her card and she payed .He smiled as he watched Rose pay with her card. As they went to the ca

nk I ever

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