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The CEO's Addiction: In Love With My Boss.

Chapter 7 07

Word Count: 1342    |    Released on: 13/01/2024

take her pil

ep male voice

. I could only pinpoint Elle's v

?" The male asked her. S

She asked all of a sudden. I knew s

ttered, not yet rea

" they whispe

hand akimbo, and I looked at the male. My eyes grew wide when I saw him, "What for


ed her," Noelle said, sitting on the bed. I looked u

off. "I'll go make your favorit

ou stalking me?" I aske

How could you ask that?" He as

e met each other in some circumstances, and you're always there

"It's fate,

ked, like I hadn't he

't say

was si

alone at night. You could have been hurt."

?" I asked him, and

u a per

o his pocket the entire time. Then a smirk cornered at the side of his lips and I looked away embarras

d back. "Because you're stalking me." I almost

how his lips felt on mine. He looked into my eyes and I ended up admiring his

up at Elle with a tray in her hands. She walked towards the bed and droppe

und a ribbon. I collected it from her and smiled. Had I stupi

oked surprised at me. "Mine?," She asked and collected it.

king blue sapphire and


s on this, and I'm glad she loved it. She picked it up and

he mug back

ingly. "I know I'm a bad friend. I've hurt you a lot, an

s a very emotional person. I slowly wiped her tear

s been for me since that day? I felt bad, bad that I could utter suc

I started and she c

had with this young man here, those things wouldn't have happened." I raised my brows, what has he fed

ut about your parents like that. T

how much I've missed her. Noelle has been the only family I have. Since my parents died in a hit-and-run accident, li

ime we've had quarrel

urn. We had already forgotten that we

d go." H

time on the wall


ok my head negatively and tried to detest it, but she climbed out of the bed.

re know how to fix yourself where you d

I pointed out to him. He looked at the floor an

ws." What? Don'

mall laugh, a fake one. I rolled my eyes

oked at him, "You'll sleep here, Kat won't allow you on her bed and I wo


e said and put off th

only hear the noise of his footste

n and can afford as many beds as he wan

to know how he was

did you ta

"I found your phone and saw that Noel

gotten a new phone and

ou today, I wouldn't know what those guys wo

lady-like." He stated and I rolled my eyes. He al

quietly. He'd already slept. I smiled and lay back down, look

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