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The CEO's Addiction: In Love With My Boss.

Chapter 6 06

Word Count: 1158    |    Released on: 13/01/2024


t and never come

d her brows

uh." She said a

gone to my workplace and was shocked when Mrs. Marcel

mug on the table. "We need the mo

sk my parents",

to quit that gig and start a reasonable j

and loo

iled at the familiar brown hair and body-built statue

" Noelle asked and looked back. Sh

uealed. I hit her on her arm and s

said, grabbing my phone from the table, a

were almost driving me crazy, and I didn't have time to explain right there, "I'll explain lat

door. She winced and began shouting at me to let her go, and I couldn't

Why are you causing a scene?" She yelled. I looked around and found people looking at

and jammed the door. I raked my hands over my hair and sighed deeply. I do

sped at her mouth instantly as she struggled and only muffled out words." Shut up and stop being dr

don't know them." I simply sa

hings, not even about your private life. Kat, we've been friends for fucking 6 years, you know everything about me, but what do I tell you

hen she finished h

r conversation ever again." I warned her


each other, and none of us cared to apologize, but at some point, we would be pu

her forgiveness. We've lived for years and yet, I couldn't tell her things about me.

job I got from Harry Smith, my boss at the bar downtown, I couldn't fi

ohol in their hands. I bent down and took my walk behind the pole, they l

d, my heart skipped, and

deaf? I'm ta

I could. I dived into another street and co

owhere. There was no escape route and I could hear running footsteps over there. I looked around, searching for a safer pl

k. I swallowed up a big lump of spit as

My boss had warned me against walking alone at night before, but I didn't listen. "She

almost screamed out in fear. My hand clasped to my mouth and heat was beginning to fo

eave immediately." A dead

did yo

are y


as here t

was strong and bold. But how wa

the fuck are you to order me aro

e beating him. I'm doomed. Just when I tried to creep out, a human bei

dried up, my head was beginning to tumble, and I staggered back and fell. I

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