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The CEO's Addiction: In Love With My Boss.

Chapter 10 10

Word Count: 1061    |    Released on: 13/01/2024


y name,


it? Do you lo

ear. She leaped up and m

ips and positioned myself at a faster rate. Her moans filled the r

I spilled my sperm on her face, makin

cushion, and put it over my body, I turned

ng up tiredly. Who wouldn't after six rounds

u can go now." I tried to


took out a bundle of cas

" I yelled and

she could still walk well. She aimed to slap me, but I caught her hand in

the fuck out of my house before I change my mind." I pushed her hand away a

toilet to wash my hand with the disinfectant s

on the hand towel. I walked out of the bathro

" I said,

remy, what is it?" I aske

u." I puffed out smoke fr

ppointment with

." He r

aid. He hesitated, "Any

unbelievable, I know it's been 2 weeks and three days since I saw her last

the pack of cigarettes, with a li

"Ask a maid to clean this m



mith and accept his proposal. While I walked into the compound, my mind recoiled the last t

ng downstairs with tears in her eyes. She was with a shoe and a bag, and her dress was not zipped up

ned upstairs, and what she was doing

n this category and for a moment I

k down the stairs. I swallowed up my spit and looked away as I found myself

te me with his legs crossed. He rais

y home." His

onsented," I said, clearing my th

cided to work for me." The way he pronounced Kati

smoke that circulated all around me. He got up and strolled

d looked into my eyes. My breath seized as I felt his warm breath on my face. He drew clo

I shook my head and quickly gulped the wine down my th

tool and looked at him, he had a

here," I told him, trying to f


ve you been in thi


s his head and

ourself in

bold face, not wanting him to

yal / Reliable

you e

short silenc

person that my friends

ople in my life. I put the same effort into making sure my work is done corr

. I want someone to be there whe

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