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The Tears In My Heart

Chapter 3 Invite the dinner

Word Count: 2696    |    Released on: 05/01/2024


in the morning so it's still early, Raiko is at work and she already knows that someone dinner later, I'll just text her maybe because we'll be late aga

apron, I pinned my hair, I started to bake, I first

ed at the manang who had just

prepared the oven and put chocolate on the top, I sprinkled the chocolate to make it

ut the brownies, one here at home and the other I will take to my aunt, the oven rang so I qui

e brownies, luckily

g entered the kitchen and looked at

'm fine, man" I said ca

a look" I followed h

burn is

bit painful" I looked at i

He's too good at lying" he

e home so early in the morning, even manang wondered to see Raiko because it was only 1 in the afte

e looked at me and

brownies" Manang said and took the ointment

folded his sleeveless up to his elbow, he too

reful next time!" I

ooked at me as if it didn't want to lose


He slowly put Uli

bake br

because I was fucos on my hand t

He looked at me and

I'll bring it to my aunt later

rst, so they're ready to bring later

chen, took the jar and carried it first, I just sa

d at him while he was putting it on, the girl you're going to love is very

l early, I'll wake you up later so you can get ready" He first put

u seem tired" He loo

m the door, I had a good night's s

e she had just finished taking a shower, I nodded and closed the door, I went to bathroom to

look like I don't know in front of them, I decided to wear the dress that Raiko's mom gave me because she gave me a dress when she just came home from Canada, it's an expensive dress It's a maroon color that reaches up to my knees and it's very beautiful, it's sexy and it's just right for me, then when I get dressed, I just re

looked at myself and there wa

ht is still long" he refused

arted to drive and as usual we were very quiet, I just looked

subdivision, he kept looking at me and I was

my face?!" I frowned at him! The guard opened the

he got out of the car, my cheeks turned red from what he sai

nd around my waist, I felt something in my stomach! My heart is v

o's hand still on my waist Until we got to the living room of th

mommy hugged him, aunt noti

, how are you, son?" He hugg

wife accepts you as a mother, I treat aunt Amelia like a mother be

dress suits you" she laughed and looke

lfred greeted Raiko

cle, how

breathing" He said

hand on my waist, we were going to the kitchen w

d!" I looked at Raiko in

aiting for you" I breathed a

hought it

e it, let's go I'm starving" I

food like my fiesta, it looks like I will eat more a

ing in silence

you two

a" Raiko answ

hild?" I was surprised by his f

father's question, I felt a little pain because of what he said, he doesn't want to just really have children with me! I was j

er were talking about the company, I

mom called me and poin

on" aunt informed Tiro Alfredo and he n

arm and led me t

d at me as if examining my face. I sm

n see it in your eyes Amaya,

ll take care of my son" I smiled and held his hand too! He really left Raiko

e him, I will take care of him as you take care of him, I love yo

r that" you c

on" He hugged me as if he was giving me his right to Raiko

I don't tolerate my son's work, if it hurts you tell me" He held my hand an

eyes, I could see how much she loved her s

y so I agreed, aunt and I were talking in the living room, she said she would take me shopping with her next week so I a

ies I'm making because my brother brought Dito to the liv

e okay?" I took one too

ow" He groaned

ust answer" He stood up

r time" he smiled

Uncle Alfredo so they love him so much they give him everything he needs Well, while I was looking at the pictures, a hand hugged my waist so I stiffened, I could feel his breath on my neck, I turned

it and when she opened her eyes, I immedia

breath on my neck again and tightened his hug around my waist so I couldn't do anything if he wasn't left in that position, my

t, how are we going to get home drunk? Slowly, if you remove his hand from m

closed, I sat him first and leaned back, I looked at him and his face was sweating, I took my handkerchief from the bag and wiped his face her face, I adjusted

is knocked out!" Aunt rubbed

really Alfredo making his son drink!" Aunt

k you, I'll take care

st put away the remaining brownies and brought them back to the kitchen, I also took the my bag in the living room while I was going up the

got some clothes Here in the room there are clothes Her

t deny that he has abs because he also goes to the gym and takes care of his body, I slowly w

p wit


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