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The Tears In My Heart

Chapter 4 Sleep together

Word Count: 2511    |    Released on: 05/01/2024


the first time w

n the living room of the gues

hand and closed his eyes again be

sed and wiped my body, after wiping I got dressed and went out of the bathroom, I saw that Raiko was sleeping soundly on th

next to him. a few minutes have

d that hugged my waist and pulled me closer to him, I felt his breath on my neck! My body is so hot in our positi

ild, his face was very clear, he inherited from his aunt the whiteness of his skin, h

he time, I straightened myself up before I went down the sta

ook a sip of his coffe

t Raiko?" I looked around

ot even after talking," I looked at the g

kfast before you go home, please c

I walked to the g

Tito said that, Raiko i

reakfast is over" He

ight be late" He stood up so I walke

s still full, I didn't di

" Raiko stopped eati

just had juice an

him because of what he sai

ork tomorrow at 10 o'clock so Raiko, I got in the car. while we were on the flight,

wrong?" He asked while Fu

use the red light was still on, so he looked at me as if asking, I tou

I was really full earlier, I don't know why I still felt hungry. A

oo sticky to look at Raiko when the woman noticed me so she

e all gone, so the ice coffee is the only thing left, but I've got a big coffee because he ordered a large one while I was enjoying what I was drinking and he suddenly took the ice coffee fro

so I hurrie

called me and saw that he was hol

nk y

d I remembered what happened last night, that was the first t

t?" I saw manang when

ed, why didn't you come h

o was very drunk last night" I sat dow


nt downstairs to see if his car was still there, I went out to look in the garage b

hope that he will change

d. watching ! " Suddenly my heart stopped beating at what I saw and heard, tears came to my eyes and I covered my mouth while sobbing! I thought he was just busy at work so he didn't come home. I thought he was staying at the condo! Is that the reason why he

my bed I covered myself with a blanket and cried over th


eye I could feel its swelling, I remembered what I sa

my face, I looked in the bathroom mirror and I could see the swelling in my eye, w

e the woman who left Raiko before? is that him? My thoughts were interrupted by someone knocking on the door of my room, I straightened myself up before opening the door, when I opened the door Aunt Ameli

e stroked my back

d my tears "It's not your fault, don't thi

girl, but I was wrong" aunt's tears flowed as she said that t

t, were just married on paper, and no one intervenes between us because I was the only one who fell in love, I was the only one who believed that this marriage would work, that I thought we would work together, I accepted that he can

e the right but I can't do that right, And unti


ddenly hungry, because I didn't eat breakfast and lun

m the only one here at home, I just made coffee and two breads, decided

iving room I had left earlier, I took my phone from the


ila next year, I'm going to wo

he knew who it was, I was surprised when someone called my phone, a

irl is t

een kidnapped because of your scre

use that's where my boss's mother signed me!"

ed?" I asked this and took a sip of

a said that the manager has

u'll be the one to tour me" he s

ung up the call because h

to wander around with or when I leave I'll tak

ight because I wondered where he was, I couldn't help but worry to him, and even if that's what he did, I can't be angry.

s because manang is

g asked curiously and

still!?" I smiled

s like I'm weak, I don't want them to worry and think about my feelings, I can carry the pain I felt, There's only one person

buy a lot because the refrigerator is only small" I smiled big at what manang said, I like it more really g

looked at manang and also

h the food in front of me

what we're going to buy first"

wearing simple trousers and a fitted crop-top and I paired it

ediately. We boarded the van and the flight was quiet, it only took a few minutes for us to reach the mall, we got off and entered, the guard

st looked around, I suddenly felt jealous of the couple who passed by in front of me holding hands their hands while walking while the woman kept talking while the man list

g complained so I looked at what he paid for, th


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