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Brutal Hunger

Chapter 4 Laura

Word Count: 1973    |    Released on: 30/03/2024

f it. A man with long hair that hung over his shoulders and a mustache on his face followed me through the entire validation process. Getting sold

but he never gave out his name. I understood why, though. In this plac

tern face could ever soften. His severe expression

and the looks he shot me, was cold. Did I offend him

ar a car which by its opulence I discerned it was my master's. He

relief. I hadn't realized that his presence

ther as I remembered I was abou

d my mind. My face briefly turned pale from fear. I gave a headshake. No. It was

car, appreciating every detail of it, my heels clicking as I walked. I even noted the name of it. Thanks to Mikhailov

this car was. Were wealthy

ile I was back where the underling had asked me to

t of me. His eyes as he stared at me held something I'd call… amorous. His expression was menacing; I had th


nd my chest grew tight at the realization. That three-piece, light brown suit he was wearing. The gray


heat of losing in the auction,


g slow steps closer to me. I took a few steps backward, not realizing

u want from

. I can take care of you. Shower you with my love, and luxury. Give you everything a lady wants, forget you're a slave. I

ords, my face turning pale


d in pent-up rage. Our gaze simultaneously shot

ifted my feet from where I was standi


spite my legs flailing in a flight reflex, my muscles ten

is hairstyle was even the same as the golden mask bidder's. My

and I became aware that my expression had taken a te

e stranger I feared, a part of me burst into excitem

lave.” My master's brow knitt

vil need a slave for? The last time I checked, the thin

c now, but I still sa

my face in his palm. “She's too

ike it could make him propel a car three blocks away. My anxiety surged, making me uneasy and inexp

his aggravation, he managed to sound compose

underling reached into his coat as

ssing up his hands in

, I will s

he underling opened the other side of the passenger door to

, and my fingers twitched. I forced down the lump that was growing in my throat as I w

expected him to be? What if he was not who Oldie had made him out to be? Perhaps

The cold air mixed with pleasant scents that saturat

didn't even bother to look at me. Was he mad at me? I was afraid to do anything to ch

anging open in shock. I grinned broadly as I savored the sight of the lovely street, the buildings, the people going about their daily live

issful indulgence. I would re


was taking in. That was the first words he'd said since we got into the

t was not until he pulled my hair and turned me to face him that I realized what was going on. My head hurt from hi

ocious eyes locked onto mine. “So you have the guts, Laura,

r me to breathe. I felt waves of fear pass through me as his eyes turned blo

ng? Why did he c

ce, his fingers digging into my flesh,

e that you've lost your memory, putting on an act just to co

path, or was that just one of his ways of inflicting pain on

hat happened on the night of your fifteenth birthday. He roared, his words leak

at you are talking about,” as muc

tely. His hold on my face loosened. Silence swallowed the atmosphere, increasing by de

“If only you knew you were playing with yo

olently at his spi

k, he closed his hand around my throat, tightening hi

e training and grapple with him. My clenched hands

everything you claim you don't know.

o my lungs, something sharp as a needle pricked my nape, and in the next

ht about what he said of my master? Could what I believed to be true about my ma

the seat, and in a few secon

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