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Brutal Hunger

Chapter 6 Maximo

Word Count: 1985    |    Released on: 30/03/2024

s one of the numerous establishments regarded as the cornerstone of the Viltinó family's wealth, inherited through the generat

me enemy detonated a bomb in my gas plant and watched it go up in smoke. Even after a year of knowing

soul never rest in peace, no one ha

t was not until her father, Benedetti, took a soul that I vowed to protect with my life that I realized how much I would care about my fath

p happily and my sister rot six feet below the surf

d where Giulia's body lay. I could give Benedetti a cold, bloody gift

o?” I asked Kenzo, my consigliere. Kenzo had been

et for a lighter, one of my men, who had been standing behind me, hurried forward and lit my cigar. When I gave him a warning look

rd on my men

. "Permit me to light my cigar on my own," I whispered to him. Kissing him on the forehead

me a folder. “It includes

so's face was a picture of comple


looking closely at the wr

form an autopsy on the men who were in the control room during the attack. It turns

he night I lost myself completely. When Giulia die

one. His expression abruptly turned angry as he leaned into his knees a

” Sandro queried

sigh. “Pedro's gone. Some men abd

searing fury descended into the office, ele

ed sofa, and sadly ran his hands over his face. Sand

e Trey before he does something

king person on the suspect list has to die, Ben

and then he staged it to look like suicide. The prick took away my sister, se

a New Year's resolution to m

and Ndrangheta mafia weren't the reason I let him stay alive despite everything he did. On

father is Lord? She might actually know something about Lord and is just

cts, how much more about kid assassins? A chi

route. I was so consumed with mafia and business affairs that I failed to notice the

home, m

hips swaying from side to side. She stood in front of

bit her lower lip and her face flushed. “Who died at your hands this time?” She drew back. “I heard

let my fuck buddy into my house? I'd given them an

't see it coming. “Watching you raise that paddle a

e. I did what I did to stop you from ruining Cosa Nostra's relationship with Bratva. Because I know fighti

the lady who'd been my fuck buddy sin


you thin

u plan to d

n on the list. But seeing the ripe beauty the child had become—all that mouthwat

m. My cock couldn't throb more

nees, and pet

her lip. “Sí, maestro.” Her voice was ju

ears with cries that sounded like she would perish if she didn't get the sex right away.

the tip, twirling that slutty tongue over the glans before taking

ped off my cock and she mewl like a baby whose sucker was taken out

rse. She knew the things I w

air, now we were eye-to-eye, a hairbreadth apart. “You got

that child-like, sex

ouch, and gim

ousness in her eyes. She was afraid of undergoing surgical complications. “You know I'll

mme that

he table, and positioned herself fo

A small smile touched my face as I thought of how I'd ravage that tight hole. I reached

and hard, the thrust shattering her to pieces. She thre

ht rush inside thinking I was trying to kill her. Sandro would if he were here. I'd always pretend I didn't k

sh me away. I took her hand and seized it behind her ba

y grip. She gave up trying when she could

She thrust her hips against mine in the same fast rhythm, ple

e smiled sensually, biting down at her lower lip. Her red

ing.” She screamed, her eyes rolling back into her head as she

. She thrust her hips back and forth, her thrust me

whole body clenched with that familiar gravity of my pinnacle that compelled my t

ling out of her. Stroking my cock back and forth, I relea

ck I gasped softly

. Time to pay my l

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