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Brutal Hunger

Chapter 3 Laura

Word Count: 1639    |    Released on: 30/03/2024

knees in front of the most dangerous man I had ever known. The man I'd

dreading what he'd do to me. Never commit an offense that would provoke the Pakhan's wrath.

n, stuck his large hand in my hair, and tilted my he

gave up on that plan. I thought my discipline was enough to make you a good girl.

which were discolored from constant smoking. “Wha

tion and retired to

t sufficient enough

yes to the ground. I shouldn't have done what I did. I shoul

y. “What should I do to you, eh? Kill

“When I bought you, Котенок, you were disabled, sick, frail, a poor little girl with no family, no memory. Well, still no memory. I repaired the broken

yed across his eyes as he growled his latter words,

twenty million dollars at the auction tonight. Anything less and I

the curtains. I was afraid, tensed like an elas

mated to be in her forties. The heavy make-up she wore did nothing to improve her cold appearance. She resembled the representation of evil. Somethi

we'd love, love to offer. Speaking of which, I mean, high-quality slaves. Slaves who'd acquired a lot of slave training. Innocent, bea

to the stag, dragging me along with the leash. I choked, nearly tripp

bidders wearing all kinds of masquerade masks to shield their identities unnerved me. The

ime, I feared was afraid of leaving this place as a slave to someone who'd make me reg

w, this one here is the Pakhan's biggest deal

ter that, she held the leash again like I'd flee if she were to leave it for long

s saw. Though the auctioneer mentioned I was the Pakhan’s biggest deal to attract bidders, it was also

n dollars. Half the bidders raised their bidding paddles. My heart, once thum

ttle continued to increase from price to price until it got

opening in his Baphomet mask—his gray beard was visible. He, together with his mask and hi

er repeated the calling over again. No one was raising their paddle

bit my lower lip, clenching my fists. Could someone raise their

ighteen million, now nineteen. Will ya gimme nineteen

to look at the bidder who had just pl

ould a woman

addle to bid nineteen million, but the lady bid twen

fear. I got Mikhailov the money he wanted from me. De

ty-six million. The lady challenged

05 for twenty… We have twe

hand. Did I know the bidder? His attire wasn't familiar. His face was hidden behind his golden mask, which had opening

and silver. Could he be t

. I hoped for our paths never to cross… well, for that, I wasn't sure about my desire not to see him a

y person could have that wris

kind of wristwatch made my mood close down. It was foo

ed Oldie took this as a competition when he raised his paddle at thirty-two million. I felt a rush of fear and excitement in my chest as the golden mask bidder r

e the other part of me, fearing the golden mask bid

sk bidder to Oldie as they carried

ller words more times. “Item one gone to bidder 203 for forty-e

elt like excitement. Was I excited about his winning, or I was terrified of him b

red as he raised the side of his upper lip, disa

red at him for long enough, and I knew behind the holes in his

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