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Delightful Dilemma: The vow


Word Count: 1345    |    Released on: 24/01/2024

aces look so sad. The man looks like one in his thirties and the lady in her mid-twenties. They both h

n we dated, got engaged and courted, only for our love to crash like this?"Oh! Betty you surprise me, has your faith gone so low that you don't trust in God again? "The Lord knows why this as happened, please don't say any word against the Lord again, for He loves us and would not be happy with you."Oh! Calvin! "I am so sorry for the things I said, I suddenly forgot how kind and loving God has been to us." "It's just that I feel so sad, I reall


extra classes with us." "At the end it was worth it, as we never failed his course." "Oh! Mum, that was quite nice of them," I hope that my lecturers will be like those ones." "Gloria, everyone can't be the same, but just do your best, study hard, ahead of your course handouts, try and join a study group, but importantly attend your lectures regularly, make sure your notes are up to date, understand the lessons and finally, don't forget to pray always." Her mum advised her. "Thank you so much mummy, talking about prayers did I tell you that brother Calvin called me, he sounded quite sad." Gloria said. "Calvin called you! Mrs. Olayinka exclaimed. "The scion of the Olayinka's dynasty called and you're just informing me." Mrs. Olayinka sounded angry. Hmm! "I guess it slipped my mind, sorry about that." "It's okay!" So what made him sound so sad?" Mrs. Olayinka asked. "He broke up with Betty mum, so sad, "though he didn't give any details why it happened, but I suspect it's not a trivial matter." "I can't wait for him to come back home." "Its that all? "I thought it was something serious, "you make me laugh, and that's a welcome news!" "I can try to make it work between him and Ladi now." Yes Ladi! "That's the right lady for my son, I never liked Betty." "Mummy, how could you say such, what wrong have Betty done to you to warrant such a feeling about her?" "Nothing!" It's not Betty that I don't like, but her pedigree." "I mean where is she coming from? Who are her parents? "My son can't marry the child of a Nobody period!" "That's what you always care about, whose daughter? Whose son? "Who are their parents? What do they own? "Mum is that all that matters in life?" "I remember you telling me some time ago how you and daddy started, it was not as if the wealth was already there." Gloria spoke sarcastically to her

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