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Delightful Dilemma: The vow


Word Count: 1091    |    Released on: 24/01/2024

al news that is airing, aren't you tired? His daughter Stella asks him. "Stella my dear, the way you love watching music channels and fashion channels is the way I love wat

wn can you be for your father to make decisions for you? "My sole purpose is to see that you're happy once again after your break up with Kayode." Her father said. "I'm sorry Daddy, I know that you have a good will for me, but please let me take my time, Ok! "God will bring the right man for me." Oh! "But you know who that man is and how influential he is in this State, I'll leave you to think about it." Her father spoke with a tone of finality. "Thank you sir, "I better go to bed now, kachifo Mpam." She left the sitting room and entered her bedroom. "Good night my dear! "Sleep well, Stella are you not going to bed, your senior sister as gone to sleep." He asked his younger daughter. "Not yet dad, you know how I like watching late night movies, especially the panorama dramas." Stella replied. Ok! Stella, what do you think about what I told Rita? He asked her. Dad! "seriously, sister Rita is a big girl now and knows what's best for her, though you mean well, but you should know that she's no more a child and as for that Alhaji Talleh, shame on him, for wanting to marry a girl younger than his first child, he should go and get someon

in the

in his mid-thirties, he is wearing a green polo and brown colored Chinos pants, has a slight moustache, slightly muscular and has on a low cut hair style, he is a handsome man. Their hands are held together and their heads are slightly bent as they discuss. The snacks and drinks set before them looks untouched. "It's really so hard for me and quite sad, but I believe that God knows why He made it happen this way." "That's true, I'm really amazed at your strength and resilience in handling the whole situation." Kayode said looking at his Fiancée. "What can we do Kayode, remember our lives are not computed but rather planned divinely by the One who's in

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