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Power (Book 1)

Chapter 3 003

Word Count: 987    |    Released on: 30/01/2024

ir. My dog, trained never to bark unless in real danger, simply wh

d in a drowning accident on vacation the week before down in Florida. A cold feeling filled me: did I grieve? Should I be re

m for the only mirror that

rfect. Heart pounding I felt my face and my fingertips felt no small mountains or rough skin. Jer

The tingling was harsh and dropped me to my knees, my head hit the sink and I saw stars. When co

rt might explode and wished to calm. A tingle and instantly I was calm. I wished

was blue. I wished for my hair to go back to its bland mouse brown and ran to the m


ht, not with the terror and ho

ack. I fixed my teeth and removed the filled cavities, made them straight and as white as my eyes. I remo

not thirty-one. I made my skin a little less pale, my hair golden blonde, and made the green of

asts, still large, were perky, I wished my ass was more lush and larger. I wished my waist was nipped in nice and tight, as small as it could be and look natural. I wi

uldn't say why, but I kept my freckles. When I was done I had firm skin, a body for sin, and beauty that was haunting and captivating. Yet some

nish websites. It worked. By six a.m. I'd learned twenty more languages. I played with my IQ but had no way

, but I would never gain weight. Then I wished I would not have a per

a much bigger man, but still having the body of a woman who appeared to jog and lift a few

ure and wished my hair had a blue streak. Nothing happened. In the mirror I was still the new me. M

ssed up with a mask and robbed a bank, and I truly thought about it. Bu

y shoes, but nothing else. So I went onto craigslist and looked for a modeling job. I took a picture

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