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Power (Book 1)

Chapter 2 002

Word Count: 922    |    Released on: 30/01/2024

, letting her in. I didn't even stop my dog when he came up to sniff her, just closed the door a

l I knew was that I was sick of people dying on me when I didn't know how I felt

ommate that the dog used as a bed. He followed her in, oblivious to my turmoil, and begge

me on his doorstep in a classic ding 'n' ditch. My married father had somehow talked my step-mother into raising me as her own, and she had regretted it the rest of her lif

you here?" I finally

your existence. All these years and she never m

ute. I knew my birth mother came from a well-off family and had herself a

ery wonderful things and large amounts of money. But somehow, a third party always fucked it up

to you, you need to exp

envisioning some fancy horse at a stable whos

er, it comes with three smaller gifts. They are to prepare you for the legacy. I am

her bright eyes, she began to murmur in some strange language I didn't know. I felt wind, and at first

and louder and at the crescendo I felt the intense warmth shoot through me, more like

chanting still as the pain wracked me,

s that?" I asked

miled. "Make a wish, about your body or mind. Wish to speak a new lang


n't anger, it was more like the emotion that gave birth to

licking a light socket and my legs coming back to life after fa

n scre

nded wolf, but I never remembered ever screaming no matter what horror or pain came my way. But

ill worked but no sound came. Once more I felt the feel

our body or mind. After twenty four hours it will remain for a week. I will be back after that week. If you

ce came back in the

sts. If you pass them, then you get

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