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Power (Book 1)

Chapter 4 004

Word Count: 950    |    Released on: 30/01/2024

d on fake zebra rug, touching myself lightly, but the photographer was perfect

ht a pack of five panties, food for me and my dog, and I had three hundred left over. I

er. With my knowledge I pieced together a few trends, went home, and opened an online t

ded all day, closing out with four hundred. I got calls from three more photograph

with me. After she and I went out to dinner and she offered to set me up with her agent but I

a waitress for a new restaurant. I had six hundred in my pocket and twelve hundred in the stocks. Day four brought

ight and right before close bo

e thousand to play with. The morning of day six and I bought a car from the used l

so I told everyone I was sick. I couldn't work my night job at UPS

four hours of trading when the knock came. I locked in the l

ere, smiling. "An

e in

tted his head and followed me into the

ou imm

't wish it even if it were possibl

ble from the magic you had. And did you

but it was safe. I used the cash to invest, did a few more shoots. I made sure I had t

hardest about

n't work my night job because I look so

nge anything a

arrow. "I would have changed my feet to size ten,

done my feet were in basic sneakers, nice and new, and I looked at them, s


ght way and didn't hurt anyone with your powers. Nor did you revel in base

two years. I guess it

knowingly. "Do y

ery persona

you th

e hell are

ch once again, while I

I'd never asked my birth mother about aunts or uncles. N

it will be important: do y

r share. I decided to be celibate to focus on other things, take a break

how you look now. All photos as well. The old Anna does not exist. Any knowledge you

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