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The Store Boy


Word Count: 1294    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

work in her hand. Her headache was better, but she did

t I would rather stay quietly at home. Poor boy! he w

k was heard at t

supposed everybody would be at the Town Hall.

ich was rather disagreeable, but might have been more easi

ected attire, led her to recognize the tramp whom Ben had described to her as having attempted to rob him in the afternoon. Terrified, Mrs. Barclay's first impulse was to shut

th as laugh. "I understand your lit

?" asked the wido

ell, to begin with, I want something to

avern?" asked Mrs. Barclay

ey I've got is a bogus dollar your ro

m him," said the

no value. Come, haven't you anything to

arclay, glancing at his unattractive fe

was glad to comply with his request, if b

d I'll bring you some brea

said the tramp, and he pushed his

itchen just in the rear of the sitt

" she said to herself

a loaf of bread, and butter, and a few slices of cold beef, which she set before him. Without ceremony he

some whisky i

any," answered

n't partic'lar. I want s

nd. I don't approve of drin

rmy, do you?" said the tramp with a

re, and canno

n?" demanded than unwel

a glass of excel

t to choke me?" returne

water," suggested the widow, anxiou

've got nothing better. Be quick a

glass, which was supplied him. Presently, for all things must have an end, the tramp's appetite seemed to be satisfied.


"Now, if you'll be kind enough, leave the

aughed the tramp. "Well, I do owe him a

apprehensively. "I have given you some

I've talked to you a

business can y

You are the widow of J

you know m

w something of him

s?" asked the widow, forgetting the character o

n't a doctor nor yet a minister.

o find out. He owned this hon

f," said the tra

Mrs. Barclay eagerly. "How

here he died. It was a small house,

spend money unnecessarily. With his prudence we all thought

the house?" asked the tra

the widow, alarmed. "Sure

rob you. I want to

t takes all our money f

sk what I ha

annot buy it, wh

cret," said

eated Mrs. Barc

think. He left stock and papers representing three thousand dollar

ss her surprise, when a loud kn

ded the tramp quick

would no

," he said, leaping to his fe


made his escape into the open beyond th

. To her surprise she found on opening it, two visitors, in one of whom she recognized Squire Davenport, already ref

" said the squire smoothly. "I come on important

tlemen," said

surprises," she

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