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The Store Boy


Word Count: 1369    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

ge country store, devoted not to groceries alone, but supplies of dry-goods, boots and shoes, and the leading articles require

ked Simon, who chanced to be standin

y-five dollars, but came nea

I hope you were

ger. When we got to that piece of woods a mi

near Pentonville!" eja

was he

ular t

e money. How did you man

stratagem of wh

er approvingly. "I must give you a

ad money. I couldn

ge and quick wit you displayed. Here is a dollar, and-let me see, th

the magician, gives an ente

ime does i

ght o'

lf-past seven. That will give

to the entertainment, but did

and Mr. Crawford handed the money to his

depend upon traveling performers, who, from time to time, engaged the Town Hall. Some time had elapsed since there had been any such entertainment, and Prof. Harrington was the more likely to be well patronized. Ben, who had

after all," he said to himse

ad befallen him, but she tool a mo

ered you, Ben," she

have stolen Mr. Crawford's money; that

ighwaymen about here. Now I

l in any danger. Still, if you thi

d rather run the risk of a highwayman. I wonder if

far. By the way, mother, I must tell yon one stra

in a tone of great surprise. "Di

Then it was he asked i


he knew yo

but he answe

r father. Ah! it was a sad day for us all when your poor father died

lder I will try to supply my father's plac

y dear boy," said Mrs. Barclay affectio

of his age are ashamed to show their love for the mother who is

said Ben. "Wait till I am a man, and

investments of any kind, she could not learn anything about them. She found herself, therefore, with no property except a small cottage, worth, with its quarter acre of land, perhaps fifteen hundred dollars. As Ben was too small to earn anything, she had been compelled to raise about seven hundred dollars on mortgage, which by this time had been expended for living. Now, Ben was earning four dollars a week, and, with her own earnings, she was able to make both ends meet without further encroachments upon he

y-and though at present he was unable to earn much, in a few years he would be able to earn a good income, and then his mother knew that she w

ll with me, mother?" asked Ben.

amusements," his mother replied, "but I have a little he

mother, is it? You know Mr. Crawford gave me a do

e tempted to go in spite of my headache, but a magical

t, mother; but I shoul

eel lonely,

e till nine o'clock, whe

he Town Hall, where he enjoyed himself as much as he anticipated. If he could have fore

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