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The Store Boy


Word Count: 1168    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

Hall he discovered, at the first gl

I would have been here sooner, but I went home with Rose Gard

lay smile

feel lonely," she said

go away till af

r," said Ben, thinking some of his m

one, Ben. They brought bad ne

mother? Who c

same man who took you

claimed Ben hastily.

d me no harm. He asked for som

news did

be good news if it were true. He said that your father left pr

so?" said Ben, looking a

e your poor father died, and was about to say more when a knock was heard

id not co


now, mother, I met him on my way home, or rather, h

y?" asked Mrs.

a laugh, that it would be of no use to him. Then he said he mig

dying father, and has them now in his possession. He promised t

id he should leave town to-night. But, mo

se our home," said the widow, the lo

you mean,

d dollars; he was here to-night with a man named Kirk, some connection of hi

want it, mother,"

he does; he threatens to foreclo

situation now, and ap

s he offe

ars only-perhaps

uld be downr

he law. Ben, we are

and he is a

mind, mother. He might be in better bu

can do to save the house, and that is, to induce someone

of anybody wh

lay shook

ew York, but I have not met him since I was married; he thought a great deal of me once, but I suppose he scar

he is

y rich, I

day's vacation from Mr. Crawford

d it would

thing for traveling expenses. But I would go as econ

on't forbid you, though I have li

rday, and I can't be spared at the store; there is alwa

iving any advice, Be

inner, Ben met his young rival of

, Tom?" said

Barclay," said the young ar

'm listening

s opinion, Ben showed him, but hardly knew how to express

ound Rose Gardiner so muc

n by that?" dema

tions on her last even

old yo

it for

ose didn't t

her family to have a common

r, Tom Davenport. You talk as if you were the guardian of the

suitable, but you had made

once, if she had expressed a wish to that eff

," said Tom loftily. "I don't wa

same. You can make money by

ng more to tell you. You'll be out on the sidewalk before three mont

his heart sank within him as he realized

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