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The Twisted Affection

The Twisted Affection

Author: prince15

Chapter 1 Professor

Word Count: 2637    |    Released on: 04/02/2024


ed, wearing a tightly fitted red dress. Her waist curves down to her thigh so her smooth skin meets their eyes

are bright and they can't stop tickling the girl's body because of its own charm. Even if they wan

hest and their body heat suddenly turned into a bomb when they saw her ass when she bowed ev

d. Let's approach her; may

wouldn't want her, because she was the only woman that night. They didn't know tha

away from the woman. His mind was already stripping the girl and he was biting his lip because he was i

mmediately. No one has said no to them because the women they sleep with say they are

akes the person in front of you think because he has never experie

've been infatuated for a while

mmediately stopped when they saw the

in front is also confused because in their mind it must still be inside and having fun. They prepare

be included in the o

d nodded. "Too bad, I thought we'd be together." The th

Alright..." He said goodbye and left

on her back. She was about to shout at whoever boldl

ost. She didn't think that the man she liked was getting married and even though she wasn't invit

of. Congra

d to roll his eyes because he had bee

ationship with the girl for a few months, he immediately proposed to her. Despite her obvious efforts to

ored it and passed her dress. That's why there are almost no men inside because of this woman. H

ddish. The woman was also hip and her round butt could not escape his eyes. But he was also immediately surprised b

not allo

lso doesn't want the party to be ruined just because of the gi

ashes. "Are you going to usher me out? I've been wait

is his voice tinged with

she was also one of the guests. They went straight to the kitchen because he didn't want to

you wan

e table, different dishes of dishes and desserts that were not nearly available becaus

ill it feel like when he touches her body? Maybe especially when he can feel the heat inside her clothes. The only thing she remembers w

r skin, Prof? Maybe it's even better tha

t now. This is the first day that he will seduce his Professor so that his marriage t

n't know why the man's aura had cooled down in the past month. Maybe he doesn't want to

time he goes home and the places he frequents. It g

Miss. Know yo

tracted to him? It's just his first step, so

ne into the glass. Even though his expression is cold, he also

e, so if what's in front of him i

away from the man while chewing. Food becomes more enjoyable when

again. He also raised his arm and bent slightly so that I could see his cleavage. His hear

okay, P

d the guy. He was startled by her sudde

his jaw. He couldn't help but look at his li

to remove the wine from the man's skin. The man stiffened at what he did and licked his jaw even

an. "It's good to lick you

rom her. They were still standing and because s

e he decided to sit down again where he w

st arrived. "Dude, you've been called in. Looks like your brother needs

came closer to her. "Aren't you going to make me do s

n the table. "Put that on his drink a

at was in it."Are you serious? Don't you

I did this - to make them break up. If you have t

ed the bottle. "Just don't feel sorry for

I'll wait i

smile. This is just his first step, and she'll ma


lf. Isn't it great? The professor will be mine tonight and I will make sure that he will look for me

ummer is more loyal than a dog. I'm like a crazy person

cited about life's events. I'm not c

s engagement and that's all! We have no hard feelings here and it's his fault if he sends me. Bu

There's nothing wrong with being crazy sometimes, right? We al

t to do. I want everything he doe

ly he hadn't moved away right away. That's okay, thi

rse and went straight to the shower room to freshen up. Before entering, I c

ced and turned the small painting that

n I saw it clearly in the mirror. Heaven did not deny me because of the body I was hiding. Sometimes I only show it to others because everyon

yes met. I feel that he is interested in me. They don't know how restless I get whe

hed my mink-mink nipple. I think about what happened earlier and I can on

ning so I slightly opened m


d with my nipples. I rub it gently but I

thought about his long and rough hands. What will it feel like when this very fing

rted his middle finger into

ofessor.. d

is is the only man that turns my body heat on. I re

p the in and out of my womanhood. I was

s delicious.. I

gush of white juice. My thigh also trembled because of the ple

topped when a man pulled me and my back collided with the cold wall. My ey

I don't know why his eyes


essfully carried out my instructions. I'm so excited and nervous at the same time. H

I smiled here and secretly read my own lips. His



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