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The Twisted Affection

Chapter 3 enjoy your life

Word Count: 2298    |    Released on: 04/02/2024


fessor Zaiden but I couldn't even find anyt

professor. I smiled because my morning felt wonderful. If it was still morning, tho

chair, half naked. His dark hair was messy while t

rning, P

ok at me. His eyebrows furr

e, Laurene. I will forget what we did. Y

e it was my plan first and after we break up now, his marriage to that woman will be ruined. If I see them together again,

ll meet each other in University. Do you wan

try. Do you know what the consequences are if you are always near m

e said. "I won't do anything if y

ed to be judging me. I didn't look at

t wander ar

tinued to face him. It

ive you pleasure whatever and whenever you want. Just call me and I'll be there." I gigg

Based on their age, they are suitable because Professor Zaiden is already in his 30s, but if he only married that girl because he wan

n't have his stuff in the room anymore. Even though I had a good time last night, I didn

he room. I just pressed something and the video is on my cellphone. When I pressed play, I just

my contact lenses because it's too difficult. It's my first time to wear

rlier. It's okay, it's worth it even if I look like I've been beaten be

different when in bed. He is losing his gentlemanliness. He become

again when we have quizzes. I'm just late now because I couldn't sleep

allway, so I hastened my pace, turning

door. It looks like I've been teased by several hundred people because

es late, Laurene

He was wearing glasses and his white and black long sleeve was folded

to smile because he called me by my full name.

f. It won't h

n and I immediately went stra

on the way and then laugh alone aga

ver of my notebook and when I can't see him, I always peek at it. And since the Professor is here, I won't lo

is so handsome now. Then, I

y chair giggled. I shot them an angry glare that others noticed

ave no right to p

My only advantage is that they are afraid to interact with me.

jotting down notes in my notebook without taking my eyes off him. Another scene entered my

Are you l

me. I'm already humming in front like an idiot. I st

the quest

said. Professor Zaiden just shook

, Valencia. Where did your imag

. It's just like that, always floating!" There was no studen

ying. Do you want all of

ence. What are they now? Professor Zaiden is defendin

You didn't even pay attention to what I discu

t I just stared? I

all I said. He sighe

a. Ma'am Dasrael is req

mmediately followed him and we were speechless as we walked to t

m especially good at editing and I finish quickly. He doesn't even know how to work on PowerPoint because he's used to writing or no

g at us. The students are judging my existence again. I'm not doing anything to them. I hard

l I want to talk to is Prof

l off my face due to the collision and raised my f

you follo

f the College department and passed the library.

'll be ri

Zaiden to enter his office but he didn't enter ei

All my thick face retreated suddenly now. Becaus

else to say?" He raised his eyebrows but he d

t for you guys to come

that he notices me always coming here because I pay attention especially in the mornin

wait for me

. "You go first. I just wa

ry on me? This is a school, Valencia not a

id it." I was thrilled to answer because aside

bout to walk when he must

Ms. Valencia. I saw my picture in

swallowed because my emotions rose. I'm not a sensitive person. I can en

ell down my cheeks. I didn't look at

ed me but I looked away. I don't want him to see me cry because

his hand but I was stubborn an

ked while turning my back. Keeping f

t that-- what you're doing is frightening. Hiding pictures of a perso

e happiness," I said and smiled bitterly. "Are you disgusted now that you know? But even if you are, I won't stop until you accept me,

by my unexpected revelation. He released his grip on my

You can't force someone to accept you, especial

you? Well, Professor, I've never been more serious in my life. I

u're describing goes beyond love. It's an unhealthy obs

ething anyone should condone. But love is messy, isn't it? Sometimes it'

out happiness. It's about boundaries, re

time, you'll see that what I feel is genui


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