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I must seduce my wife

I must seduce my wife


Chapter 1 I am natyla

Word Count: 1189    |    Released on: 09/02/2024

than usually probably due to crying , anyone that saw her were shocked in denial because who kneeled their before the emperor was no one not other than n

" I am not gonna spare you bit even if you promise to disappear... I


er Sen her body lifeless " tsk !!


that I was going to act on ....." That ruthless emperor

cheated to be the winner among all the other noble ladies but for me even if she didn't cheat she could have wan except from the fact that she

before a huge screen and a man appeared " Hu

id , I was confused the more " Okey .... You have been

.. I always wished to be one ..." A pure lie , I have always

cepted I will grant your wish "

Hey ...." Before I could protes

Where I

ter is so beautiful" some p

nd I saw a beautiful woman with a short silky pink hair which shinned

That stupid writer I don't even know in which book I am ....

eh ???? Natyla ... Plz sto

Natyla Milera , one of the most beautiful girl i

other , Silvia Milera ..... So w

was , the man smiled " wow..... Natyla

??" My mum asked annoyed as

father Duke Andrew Milera " he said happily

tion" tsk ...." My mother ruffled his hair " mum ...."

the one to Be

end of ..... Alexa

brother is co

's attention to the point that her ignorance made him

mised our daughter will marry Alexander when she comes of age " they smiled at each other while

ly hate

ced me in her bed and she layed beside me" I can't believe my daughter is so beauti

f 10 she started working in the palace and she was so kind to natyla but

ed that when the emperor brought to light no one could believe at f

s to su

tay away fro

id any situation that will m

big ,coz now I am too small to make such important decisions but u

will make my family richer than ever wit

ough I was promised to marry the emperor many other families did things wh

Alex to get married to each o

from other pow

ndsome as the male lead as the book said ( Alexander was the most han

be ha

he emperor to divorce me in a calm way rath

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