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I must seduce my wife

Chapter 4 I don't want to marry you..... Alexander

Word Count: 1098    |    Released on: 24/04/2024


olding the rail , his attention was do

e said from behind " who are you

small sister " get out of

ile appeared in her lips " who is she .

come to his castle even after all her rejectio

walk pass him even if he tries to speak , h

of the daughter of Andrew milera and Silvia mi

drea ???"

your sister in law friend

his head " I k

here " felex said excited " she is s

know " the both

servants to prepare a small banquet for the both of them in the

ow here " she said focused " I always w

e prince she bowed down " your high

highness" naty

inquired , she nodded quietly " felex .... Te

n princess natyla" Alex s

re many candidates, these time around I will not cheat .... Why are everyone regarding me

it will be a great disrespect to him , she forced a smile and placed her hands on his .... These was their first time to be

n , natyla was amazed by the n

He helped her to seat likes gentle man " these are for you

la any gift in the original novel .... She felt strange but the flowers were b

playing with nandu when he saw her alone in the garden playing with flowers with her ma

to him embarrassed" mmm

start eating

they started eating in silence... For a shot time " wow ..... These is nice "

st her , he couldn't wait to make her h

... " She suddenly smirked , she thought she made him disgusted

She watched him coming , she was confused when she felt his finger on her lips " Alex..

s her but he couldn't....... He cleaned her lips and went ba

s your M-majesty " she murmured , how is she not a

n her reaction ..... Tsk !!!

you say ???

" he said looking serious, she looked at him also

n't matter to him " Because I don't like you ..." She

f they were about to kill somebody" is nor

remove myself from the competition" she went


... Alexander" she said while

in your widest dream ..... " H

.... Do you really want

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