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I must seduce my wife

Chapter 2 Encounter with the male lead

Word Count: 972    |    Released on: 10/02/2024

ster " my mother said after

Mum ??? Where are you goi

empress , you play small with your sister as you can see it has be

ese people to do everything .... But thank God I can crawl , he frowned and placed me on th

the empire , Prince Erick .... He is also handsome I wonder how is Alex

sister in my brother's room so that I can go a

for you , if you stay outside everyone will surrounded you and they will

all these guys good looking .... If the emperor is more than these guy will he be a human ???he is not I am sure .... So ...

s if the whole room became cold as the owner of the walked to me " Huh

py to see me that was their asking funny faces which mad

s If he was gonna kill me , the guard Also loo

ly " your highness , that's the younger dau

p but cry .... I don't wanna marry him no ..... How did this

mall " if she really crying .... I bet cry babies .... " He said annoyed as he glared at me which made me

How can he call that name in such a nice

... Flex !!! I am gonna

ing me .... ... Mum should come and take me back home and I will not come

e should be 3 years old also , coz her my brother, Alex and Prince Erick where born the sam

she natyla ???" Rose was shocked seen me

r her to carry me obviously she smiled trying to reac

o carry her , actually it was duchess Silva that said if I

ndu shouted from the door "

...... " You l

ch is filled with dangerous things " Alex said as he patt

th was almost t

e" he said angrily as eh tried to drag me

all the way back home and she prohibited him to ever carry Me for

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