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Bound By A Ritual

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1704    |    Released on: 10/02/2024

and leaning against the wall to catch my breath. The task of feeding these wild animals had taken me hours, and now I felt famished. It was ironic that I had just vomited

nds to get my attention. "If you're done with your work, lunch is being

to prioritize my well-being, I made a mental note to quickly clean the m

he way," I int

ne. With a friendly grasp, she led me towards the hall where I foun

as we sat down with our plates of food. "Isn'

dn't be here right now, would you? We should be grateful. He doesn't t

. Even the servants here were treated to such good food. Fried rice and chicken, accompanied by a

is g

ose chuckled. "Lady Martha knows her way around the kitchen. S

ybe she was just here to supervise everything,

s the master's clothes, and even takes care of his pets," Rose repli

e seems quite peculia

ut I think she's somehow related to the master,"

t likes to stretch her body. You can't sit around all the time, you know. She needs a little exercise... I find Lady Ma

, the only sound in the hall being the clinking of our spoons and the occasional moans of delight. "S

stand," I told

ary, or manly?" She smiled. "Whi

round him. He freaks me out." Leaning closer, I whi

ling. He's handsome and breathtaking... I love guys with blue eyes, but the

ing that you li

eryone likes him around he

f the servants' dining hall and made my way to the main mansion, taking the elevator to the fifth floor which led to his room.

in as I desperately thought of how to sweep this damn room. Just as I was pondering my options, I heard the sound of his approaching footsteps. In a split-second decision, I un

repeating himself. The moment I heard my name on his lips, I quickly rushed out of the b

ch my breath, desperatel

epped closer, placing his hand under my chin and making m

when I heard the sound of your car, I quickly ran up here. But I was only able to make the bed..

s brushing against the necklace he had given me

ter," I

he materials you need to c

" I asked, my words s

bit my lower lip for the second time. "Do you want me to punish you?" he asked, shaking my he

ipment room. I grabbed the bucket, broom, and other necessary items and within a few minutes, I

n his ears. "Those bastards dare to touch what's mine, and what were you doing, huh? Sitting around drinking te

easier if he wasn't here while I was cleaning. I took a deep breath and stepped out of t

stake and get fired for it. Why wou

n, even their relatives should be done with," he sa

nary person; he had a history of killing when he deemed it necessary. He could easily harm me if he got angry.

nd as always, tears began to fall. Whenever I got scared, my tears would start flowing. Looking at D

ng. I was still scared. He walked closer to me and used his hands to wipe my tears. Surprisingly, they stopped. At that mo

d bright red from embarrassment. "It stopped. Humans and their silly tears," he mumbled

ng the hell out of me, Mr. Man!" I wanted to say that, but since I loved my job and my life, I

ind filled with thoughts of this man who also happened to be my boss? I needed to s

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