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Bound By A Ritual

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 1913    |    Released on: 10/02/2024

colded everyone," Lady Martha murmured, sti

w, Lady Martha, but what if I lose half of my salary? That's why I'm crying. Mothe

oken to me like that before. If it weren't for the situation at home, I wouldn't be here as a maid. I would

did say he pardo

Don't worry about that, then. Your mo

e raised his voice at me." Lady Martha stopped what

of the term 'big ass privilege'?" Th

entirely sure why she was laughing. But it's not my fault

plied, trying hard t

tell me I've been walking around looking like a clown!" I pouted, as Lady Martha mov

our backside," she smiled, handing the skirt to me. "Stop thinking

ve me my schedule for this week. And next week, w

tter," I replied, feeling much reassured. I think I li

w one. It was long enough to reach my knees, which was a relief. I kicked o

Lady Martha said, hand

room, I opened the schedule book and smiled. My first duty was wr

erday," I murmured to myself. Making my way to the living room, I was glad

ue eyes, and a nicely pointed nose. She was quite prett

rned around and went back to cleaning the walls, which were already spotless. I still couldn't figure out why t

ning the floors. In the living room, three maids were meticulously cutting and watering the flowers. Outside, five maids were diligently sweepin

ld love to get close to them and pet them. I couldn't help but wonder as I continued on my way. Ugh! It feels

ckets outside. I assumed they must be the pets' food. Moving closer, I

body parts were kept in the bucket. What on Earth is this? Why woul

t places. Does being punished here mean death? What is he doing with these human bod

hen three enormous wolves came into view, causing me to step back and accidentally bump i

essed in his army uniform, his hair neatly combed, and his eyes carefu

mere thought of it makes me feel sick, and I might even get sick and possibly die. I just can't bring

'm afraid of dead bodies, I fear his pet, and I also fear him. This fear won't exactly help if he wants me by his side. But he


of starting another search for my woman. But I can't just let her know that I have been longing to see her. She might

gs. She talks excessively, she's too clumsy, and her sense of fash

y I keep calling her Lara. Well, I once knew her

It was so loud and fast that I could hear it from where I st

s, master," she tremb

master, don't make me touch them, please

ows, looking at her. She used her hand to wipe an imaginary sweat from her forehead. "Come." When those words l

efore I return, I want my pets fed and my room cleaned." Her gaze lowered. "Cleaning my

nd pulled out a beautiful necklace I had b

her dark hair and put the necklace around

confused, which kind of annoyed

d her carefully. She still looked beautiful, just as she did centuries ago. "But I w

throwing a piece of flesh at my pet. She was too human for my liking. I turned aroun

" my drive

ch a weak creature. I wonder why she had to become human; she could have been a witch or a vampire-like she used to be, considering her f

fighting, and the like, they are weak. It still surprises me why we don't just cage them up, make t

g in everything: walking, speaking,


n," Grant mumbled with a laugh. "She

ed my gaze to my left and growled at him. "I also distinctly remember telling yo

will fear you. If you continue to act this way towards her, you're

s mine, and I will treat her how I wish. And, by the way, her name is Ava now, not Lara." I remin

t that I'm your one and only true friend,"

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