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Bound By A Ritual

Bound By A Ritual


Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 1855    |    Released on: 10/02/2024

till don't understand why a girl like you needs so much training, especially those sw

ed to find a job to help support our household, but I also feel this strong urge to

't need that, Ava. What you need is to find

eir daughters are weak creatures who always need a man's protection?" I grab an apple and take a bite. "And plea

Anderson's house this afternoon and saw this posted on their gate." She stretc

job," I say w

and I could use your help in paying for it. I had an argument with my boss and things escalated, so I had to quit

trust you, and I know you did the right thing. I'll work there

e enough. I've heard that they pay a significant amount f

ends meet, and now that I'm done with high school, it's my turn to lend a hand. I need to save up for college and relieve some of th

then. I don't want anyone else stealing

lly as I grab my bag and head out th

there, something catches my attention. The area seems strangely quiet, almost unsettling

nothing to see. It must have been my imagination, playing tricks

estination to the driver. I choose a seat close to the window, and as we pas

ne else appears, and as they start talking, I catch a glimpse of fangs in the second person's

t man. His brown, wavy hair and those enchanting red eyes—something was capti

rying to regain my composure. What just happened? For a brief moment, he looked at me as if he

dence!" the bus

sun is beginning to set, so I need to hurry if I want to make it to this jo

hoping for someone to let me in. "Hello?" I c

ice speaks up from behind me, c

Come in. I'm glad you arrived before 6 PM. Your mother has already

I ask, feeling a mixture of

don't do the hiring

I echo,

d that, but his real name is

g her inside the mansion, I can't h

re except when you're on duty to clean," the

e descend the stairs, we enter an empty room

oom," she announces. I take note of the single couch, the cozy fireplace

e," she i

owards another house, still quite lar

ng uniform. The master is a general in the army. He values punctual

o it. "The servants are having their evening meal in the servants' dining room. Afterward, they change back into t

in?" I ask, a hint of curi

"Now, come. The master must see you to

, feeling a mix of ex

he replies. I nod, trying to take in everything and commit it to memory as we move

or is his study, and the second floor is hi

I repeat, feeling

rlier, he's a general, and you know how generals value respect,"

e fourth floor

t's off-limits. Don't

. The elevator doors open, and the only room on t

hree times before nodd

o in there alone?" I ask,

es me, her voice

inside, and close it gently behind me. The ro

man standing before me. He was dressed impeccably in a sleek black

p voice sending a shiver down my spine, th

eat and trying to collect myself. Overwhelmed by t

around to face me. The sight of him made me catch my breath – he was undenia

His unwavering gaze remained fixed on mine, and in a moment of distraction, my eyes inadvert

" he asked, his tone

nt, I couldn't help but let

each his eyes. He stood up and approached me, placing his hand u

s puzzling me. "You're hired. Report for duty tomorrow and meet with Lady

back to the window, hi

presence now," h

ngerous path. However, I needed to inform my mother about my new job and prepare for tomorrow's work. Despite the unexpected turn of events, I felt an undeniable excitement. Finally, I had something beyond archery and swor

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