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No Choice

Chapter 2  2

Word Count: 1261    |    Released on: 14/02/2024

Philip moved smoothly among them, flashing his megawatt smile, closing deals and charming even the most curmudgeonly

of one of their major partners. "I wanted to congra

is hand firmly. "It will be a lucra

over soon, Waller Communications wil

ith pride. All his life he'd been groomed to lead th

ngs and speeches that night had gone flawlessly. Philip allowed himself a rare moment of self

Though they traveled in the same social circles, he'd never warmed to his father's aloof

ilip steeled himself as Alexa, draped in diamonds and

tightly. "You look

he purred, getting in close. "Don't you think

er grasping manicured hand. "If you'll

s family, Philip had no intention of giving her a second ch

by a circle of gravell-voiced businessmen. Though in his 60

traight, Philip joined his father, making polite conversation, but subtly noting the bags under Arthur'

, Philip was able to snag a brie

ruffly. "Our partners are assured Waller Comm

"Thank you, father. It

oned. "There is still much preparation ahead before you take over. W

ot inclined to casual family gatherings. W

eagues, letting off steam over cigars and cognac. But his mind k

y's sprawling Hamptons estate for brunch, question

Thomas, already settled around the table on the sun-dappled veranda. Arthur was scanning the Wall

father. "Good morning. I trust everyone slep

the atmosphere seemed charged with tension. Arth

h sheer will and determination," he began solemnly. "But I'm not getting any younger. T

cipation, wondering if this sp

to make some changes to my succession plans for

elevating. This was it. His li

working and innovative. I see you taking over the tec

this pronouncement. "Of course, father. I'

s grass when it came to the realities of business leaders

e your presence on the lifestyle media board. Beck

red gracious ac

to him, lips pursed. Philip resisted the

the charm and connections to influence investors,"


smile f

hips. I need assurances you will settle down responsibly. The

her, I assure you since Alexa I h

u are ready for leadership. You will select a suitable wife and marry within the next six mon

nger? He looked around at the others. Thomas was smirking while Cambel avoided

" Philip spluttered in outrage. "You

ructions. I need evidence you are reliable and stable be

Thomas's wedding speculations, his dreams crumbling around him. Marry whoeve

eway, gravel spewing in his wake. As he navigated back to Manhattan,

s father? Love was not on the table, only duty. Well,

th the vapid upper class women his family expected, but in a c

n new meaning. But could Philip persuade her to enter into a pract

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