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No Choice

Chapter 4  4

Word Count: 1201    |    Released on: 14/02/2024

of daffodils she was attempting to capture seemed to mock her with their cheery yellow brightness

s leaned against every wall, some marked with splatters of color, others bare and unfinished.

e, expressive style well enough, but never hired her for the really lucrative commissions. "Too edgy an

ange out of her paint-stained overalls. Another Saturday night alone,

studies of street scenes, subway riders, a feeding pigeon. Sketching random moments o

t a glancing capture of his chiseled features and intense gaze over the rim of his mug.

um, she'd taken Philip for just another entitled pretty boy. But their conversation over coffee h

lip's willingness to open up over personal hopes and fears that truly made her eager to see him again. Amelia had nev

elt like destiny. Coffee wasn't enough. She needed more time

throw caution aside and call him first. The boutique had passed along his number with the security f

d and keys. Brooding in her apartment wouldn't pay the

s up. After stopping for a bagel at her favorite cafe, Amelia found a sunny bench in Tompki

l lines. This was why she endured the unheated apartment and ramen noodle budget -

d find you out here g

ed down on the bench beside her. The purple-haired waitress always brought

usual," Amelia waved her sketchpad. "

m working my music angle too - got a gig singing at

hug. "I'll definitely be there to cheer you on.

shoulder. "Meet any hot prospects latel

ried to my work." But her traitorous mind

, you totally met someone!" Jun

, but I met this guy named Philip at the mall..." She recounted their el

n the world! Mall honey sou

robably just being nice." But the goofy

" Juniper's smile turned mischievous. "And don't think you're

ttraction and romantic destiny was mostly fictional. But how else could she explain the exhilarating p

casting long shadows between the buildings. She was eager to capture the d

ing both the kinetic breakdancers and her own soaring emotions. She refused to pine after some guy

feelings and possibilities that Philip had awakened within her. The oil began to take shape, landing the substanc

vibrant colors and flowing lines, she noticed commodity peculiar. A figure surfaced from the chao

f the oil itself had come alive with a retired communication. Amelia's heart contended as

k of her newfound happiness? Or maybe it was a symbol of the challenges and obstacl

mind swirling with unanswered questions. What did the figure represent?

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