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No Choice

Chapter 3  3

Word Count: 1834    |    Released on: 14/02/2024

d jaw tight, as he waited for his driver Stan. The encounter wi

chaic. But challenging Arthur’s edict outright would only estrange his father further. There must be

exited the house, chattering away on her phone while the

lip get a wife just to inherit the company?...Of course I’l

5, his stepsister still acted like a bubbly teen, forever preening and positing for social media. Philip tolerated her shal

t as she drove off. No doubt this juicy tidbit was already making rounds among her pr

ully into the back seat, loosened his tie and leaned back, tryin

t him in the rearview mirror. The older man had been ferrying Philip around si

ay that,” Ph

ined the bustle of midtown. Outside his Fifth Avenue building, Philip tha

d pensively. Philip’s next board meeting was tomorrow and he still needed to prepare.

y within the next six months. As if it w

ar his head and think this through rationally, not make any rash choices

ing everything yet nothing. None of the polished women he encountered held any appeal.

oil painting of a couple dancing, the woman’s skirt twirling, their faces full of joy. Philip st

ay before. For that one hour, he’d felt free to be himself, not the billionaire CEO-to-be. An idea

se luminous eyes and effortless laugh stirred something in him he’d l

down her contact information using their security footage. Tell her this is strictl

s trailing discreetly behind him, until it slid up to the curb half a block later. The

asked tersely, slipping the

ed to check on you,” Cambel replied, her tone

ne way to

r father only wan

m you.” Where was this sudden concern coming from? Cambel

to see you succeed,” Cambel shifted tactics. She gestured to

ing wheedling. He had no desire to get roped into his stepmother’s agenda. Their only commo

nd, Philip vowed to keep his own developing scheme private. S

per to bring her aspirin. It was bad enough Arthur was putting pressure on Philip, but now her obstinate stepso

worked best from the shadows. With the right whispers in Arthur’s ear, she could still shape

ptop, no doubt doing schoolwork. While Becky coasted on her look

el greeted him proudly. “W

smiled up at her. At 20 he was handsome in a preppy way, but still

utions at brunch. Those business analytics cours

both know Philip is still the favorite f

nections, but no one would deny your financial expertise o

you to say, Mother. But Philip will sure

bborn streak. His relationships never last long

r overlook Philip. He’s been groomed f

ther. He listens when I nudge things along. But we may

arily. “Leverage? You

s secrets. And pressure can often reveal hidden flaws. If Philip'

his hands directly. “I trust your ju

ons get fair consideration. Now, let’s discuss your

very arena of business and society here - PI's, journalists, rivals looking for intel. If she discovered the right leverage, sh

s. "Do keep an eye on your brother's movements, won't you? Discreetly of cour

I suppose with stakes this high,

rehead before heading upstairs, pleased. One well-pl

nfidential numbers. Where to begin? A fit of laughter from Philip's lat

d on gossip and drama. And she'd clearly love another shot with Philip. Cambel

metimes fed tidbits: "Let's meet for martinis this week. I may

ilip's obvious disdain for her transparent offers of an alliance had been insulting. If an

ing table. Sweet, dutiful Anthony had been so manageable before the cancer took hi

for the good of the company and the family reputation. Thomas could be directed easier as CEO. And h

d options besides his arrogant eldest son. Philip's marriage ultimatum was a blessin

eeds today. Now patience and nurturing would accomplish

, he'd pay the price for disregarding her wise advice. No one plotted more quietly or

family, Cambel would

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