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His little monster

Chapter 2 Need to conquer

Word Count: 1101    |    Released on: 19/02/2024

2:Need t

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sco said as he kisse

and looked at him

m sharp." Francisco said exactly

She said w

tared at he

d with the nee

ng to conquer you. I guess my instincts about y

ile ou

l rubbing her forehead a lot of q

aid as she cont

as she

't know

time go to your usual spot."Emily said as she s

pbell Man


really not

e other hand just pressed her phone absentminded

shouted at her the small motion

o she didn't." Emilia shrugge

ent her whole life in the military she shouldn't kn

us at least a billion for 2 months served meaning she probably has about 6 billion fro

s Campbell said with a

her be! She does after all feel like a adult." The


elp make Emily a tini tiny bit

tel VIP r

g herself

and replaced it with a black baggi

d since she turned eighteen and had been where s

enough clothes to g

g as it would bring bad memories which s

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ext da

tionist her posture straight her long slender legs

jeans covered her jade

ng on her as it draped

ers were on

aved "AEJ" hung

black shirt engraved "Emily" at the front a

nce of a soldier her eyes showing no emotion as though

at doesn't give her the righ

are girls far much bet

er looks a

he first floor said loud

have said to them if she didn't find it a waste

ng her. They'd wanna

hy should I bight these dogs ?" Where the

p floo


f smile on her face which hurt like h€ll

led as he looked at the

ce and trying a smile for the fir

a meeting." F

ely draped his suit jacket on his shoulders as she carried his

d at her level

a stony expression immediate

lip a piece of paper." Emily said with a

ed as he heard

rst flo

the employees couldn't help but continue slandering her

ired on her firs

only interested i

on shouldn't be in

me fa

enly paused causing Emily to wait b

d out and Emily follo

isco asked as he looked at the

silently b

s silent as a phone

her. I'll fire the entire first floor and make sure you can't find

a little scared which you could only see by

ngry this sort of anger and the aura coming from hi

. It at least scared

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