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His little monster

Chapter 3 His burning rage

Word Count: 1052    |    Released on: 19/02/2024

: His bur

ester com

rst flo

We apologize t


snapped at the all too quite Emily who looked as tho

e up a full sentence lookin

s softening his

cessary to bark with

ancisco wa

you? Will you bark

He s

sked in a soft tone looking

were stunned

t that she couldn't

neath her to ar

as he grabbed her by the hand

ide the

r corner away from the

d by his rage s

ake someo

as hugging the person kis

s for a hug then gave him a pe

taring at his eyes trying

as stunned

ld her tiny fragile waist in his hands an

apologize to ever

her phone and the search resul

ed and kisses he

ater and pinched the jade white procel

his to you except me o

trying to wiggle her w

ning her thin waist

ng as though she had s

aising her baggie shirt up to look at her extremely thin wa

" Francisco frowned as he rub

d as she loo

ou well. Are you a picky

er head with

Francisco said like a mother as

n." Emily says he

d looking at her

o being a kid if you don't eat." Fr

d towards the

She had even fallen asleep in

ssing a red lips as he cradled

hour lat


as soon as the ca

ront while she lazily

ething. His baby wasn't really

ill walked calm

e slight impatie

ulled her arm as he

d at him in

her chin and k

e completely disappeared

e thought referring it to

ogize?" S

remembered the kiss in the car he bent down and kiss

He smiled and turned wa

ivate r

at opposite a middle

wich. But Francisco added a c

e a plate full

g of what you think of the h

who efficiently took out

. " And say what you t

ort of teaching

a very impo

reading the file in her head

d as she wrote three full pages qu

old man like her worked f

nd was supposed to help him

quickly and when he looked at the littl

both eternal and extern

ken out the problems t

en he couldn

." He said with

oked at him

t a very clean. And has a la

roved that his little girl kne

t as tofu. He had f

lly didn't feel

s him kiss her an

understand the intimac

nderstand hu

er parents protecte

e as though just one

mbled to only

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