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His little monster

Chapter 5 Just another lowlife looking for money

Word Count: 1030    |    Released on: 19/02/2024

her low life lo

isco's Man

ily's r

k it looked more like a princ

e covered in pink and white the was a boo

hite and there were a

a kids room tha

ad been planning for her to

ten the best designers to make

really think sh

olor pink, red, white,

colours that suit

resses. The baggie cl

er taste and n

think?" Fra

She said as she

nt but his little mons

ard to stop himse

oy at how pretty the room was. Or s

said it was alright wi

she was with

l go back to the company. You focu

illed with insistence as she dragged

kled as he was

ter main ma

adam." A m

on?" Mr Roch

to stay in his house. Apparently his s

upposed to gua

would she need to find a job. If she works in the military. We

u wanna take her away?! What if he doesn't find another on

the old Madam had been waitin

a great gr

ver seen with any wo

her low life trying to get money

ring her into his house it shows she has no bad i

full trust on that."

s be and that's final

ordered the man in a low voice making sure the old

for a daughter in law and wou


eir son have a low life

ughly." The man bowed h

think this Emily Campbell

ochester said in

oman could sed

bell Mans

green eyes similar to Emi

ntly on the glass of

inking abo

tin." Emi

had two people the closest to


Emily recently.

e on the other end be

Justin qu

found a job." Emilia s

hing to do with Aus

Emilia q

ustin hadn't been on good terms for at lea

rothers." Justin said with a chuckle." Don

n dropped

could solve this matter better


A clu

different places in the world som

d Austin came

ll reach hei

few b*tches out and glancing at Austin seati

brown eyes black smooth he

eyes along with blonde ha

e said with a sneer angry

you have caused Emily." Ju

tin's eyes but it was quickly

or hurt her in any

psychologically harmi

of ice even know pai

b. Hope your very proud Austin."

hear to tell me such a stu

tin said wa

red at Jus

ed a flash of w

ed himself as he slip

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