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The Wedge of Gold

The Wedge of Gold



Word Count: 850    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

he fields of the world give men food; with food furnished, a few souls turn to the contemplation of higher things; but no grand c

f events and to weave them into a record, the loom upon which the record was woven was made of gold. One of the rivers th

imself, he took the ring from his finger and put it upon Joseph's finger; and he put a chain of gold about Joseph's neck. Thus the grandchildren of Adam, in Holy Writ, we

perfectly fuse gold and glass, and their work is still an object of wonder t

eat temple was laid with beaten gold, and when all the magnificent fur

eir tombs are rifled there is found beside where their bones went back to dust the metal implemen

ion the gold fields of Spain and Asia, and learned the power which money carries with it. Her civilization began to recede when the money supply began to fall off, and when it became too precious

has made in bringing the metals into effective forms and combinations. When first the rude Saxon acquired the art to mend the broken links in a knight's armor, and how to temper one of the old-fashioned two-handed swords, it was possibl

as money; that the swiftest way to win money was to perfect machinery so that out of raw material forms of beauty and of use could be wrought, and thus in regular chain the majesty of England expanded from the first day that an Englishma

igging and working of the baser metals; full civilization waits upon the production of enough of the royal metals to give to the people wealth in a form

hen they leave the fruitful fields behind them and turn with all their hearts to woo the desert that turns her fo

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