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The Wedge of Gold


Word Count: 855    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

osed any objection to the marriage except on the point of time. They asked, at first, that it be postponed for six months, as Jenvie insisted that he wanted to be certain that Rose ha

ssary; that she and Jack had been separated for a long time and knew their own minds. Sedgwick, when call

not desert him, but wait for the wedding. He consented, saying carelessly that two or three months would not much matter to him, but the truth was that the delay urged by the old men strengthened his suspicion that all was

is blood tingling. Her breath was in the air that he breathed, and when at night the hand-clasp and the smile were repeated, and the good-nights spoken, it all fell

s often lost in revery; a sadder smile seemed to give expression to her face; she did not laugh with the old ringing laugh; there seemed to come

ould be accepted, what then? Should he carry the petted London girl to his home and friends in the Miami Valley, would there not be reproaches felt even if not spoken? Thus he ve

information, told him that he believed the shares were going at one pound, but that they threatened to be higher within a week, and Jenvie, taking up the conversation, explained that, with a mill built, the mine would easily pay

of Gold," which account found its way into the papers, and one was put where Jack would read it. He had not cons

e working capital stock of the 'Wedge of Gold;'" and sitting down he gave his check for £50,000. The st

had been put in escrow, and which on its face called for £150,000, was taken up, releasing the stock, and th

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