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Body Heat

Chapter 3 Art Lovers 3

Word Count: 1164    |    Released on: 03/03/2024

you sai

nd sneaking into the same place again, the place that

yourself? Do you al

have any talent. I am only

a deep and blue gaze. It wasn't all the explicit desire, but she was surprised by the color of his

ely separated, have black eyelashes, and have a thin layer of folded skin on the inner corners of the eyes. This mysterio

d brilliance reminded Diana of a sealskin coat, but almost immediately, she revised her judgment. Seals are cute and fun, but this man is definit


e to respond. "He must t

very dissatisfied with h

't we get

eyes seemed to be wooing her, as if she was asking him to

stured to the painting that had

d, this guy

him. "A man who stimulates sex

e gallery. This swarthy, strange and handsome guy gets full marks for his skills and artistic concep

e feet eleven inches tall. He was also very dark, not only with black hair, but also with dark skin. His ski

ch was a thin white scar near his left temple, from his eyebrows to his hairline. This and the upturned eyes of his eyes, placed on a Western face, were so Oriental that they co

ike. She had never been very superstitious, but seeing his slender hands and steep no

n and caress her. He was wearing a pair of tight black leather trousers wi

tice that she has b

gly smug and masculine. Shamelessly, he was also sizing up her beauty, just as carefully and thoroughly as she had just done, mayb

pigs... even if they h

you seen

aid ven

But the night

grin. And it hit Diana's abdomen and other more cri

on, h

the other things. The best exhibits ar

connected, and Diana smiled, enjoyin

're so

art. Then his fingertips began to caress her, from her wrist to her bare shoulder. This long caress was so gentle,

er, as if commanding her to reply

ure is higher than normal. This is a family trait and

ng a glass of wine, she raised it to h

ink it, her companion to

t, especially to wo

undulating sensually, before he raised the glass to her lips,

. But this strange and swarthy man made her obey him within a few minutes of meeting him. She drank the wine obediently and stood there

ur name, fel

as far more influe


said it all, alarm bells inside her began to clang. "Maybe it doesn't

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