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Body Heat

Body Heat


Chapter 1 Art Lovers 1

Word Count: 1164    |    Released on: 03/03/2024

ht: "I can't stand this sweltering heat anymore." It was only May, to be more precise, it was Ma

hat the sweat trickled down to her vagina and gathered there, making a tiny sound. She felt that her whole bod

ing to do with this an

is enough to make a single librarian nun's blood

ica. Diana had done a lot of research on nudes, so she knew that any work based on weird inspirations was likely to be both. Diana once had such an inspiration, but she hid the results in her pants drawer. But Jay. Kay. De Guerre,

licit depictions of coitus, heresy and narcissism. It depicts every

cts the dream o

ris. But it's not fun to feel like this when you're alone, in public, and there seems to be no chance of relief in sight. She sipped her wine, hoping helplessly that it would quell her thirst, but it failed. She had an absurd u

your own fa

ackground. Only an idiot or a masochist would come to an erotic exhibition when his desires are unsatisfied

er name on the invitation. Having Deanna come in her place was just a sisterly way o

see DeGale's collection exhibition is a kind of sexual curbing, it is far more interesting th

-color picture of a man and woman having sex. And not the ethereal and graceful ones with clever shadow arrangements. In the twisted steel frame, the man and

my G

e picture made her feel even worse. Or better yet, depending on the perspective you look at it from. Wine and sex were inextricably linked in Deanna's mind, and suddenly she wished she had not broke

r, graceful woman with black hair, dark eyes and warm, apricot skin. She is a simple woman with a good figure and a h

are of herself. She pulled up the thin black dress she wa

when she saw it on a market stall, but she still liked it and wanted to try it on anyway. The stall owner peeped at her through the curtain of the temporary dress

ed being happy, because in many ways, she loved being look

the same. Old Indian cotton, fringed and sequined, nothing like her sisters. With a sudd

sy to get a look-alike. She and D

akes it easier to tell them apart. For an occasion like this, Delia might wear some elegant, light gray, "Jean Muir" style clothes. Her hair would probably retain its original luster and not be wavy, tangled and tend t

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