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Body Heat

Chapter 4 Art Lovers 4

Word Count: 1002    |    Released on: 03/03/2024


ent and then replied, "

Delia was also called "Di" especially when people were

ody calls

before she could stop him, and turning her entirely towards

n in the gallery, and certainly the most disturbing. Especially now, here, with this sh

tely naked from the middle of her back to her ankles. Her soft clothes were tied ruthlessly around her shoulders, and her shorts were creased so hard that they couldn't be seen clearly, but they were still draped around her feet. Her pale thighs and buttocks were streaked with pink, cross-shaped stripes, reve

t it be

. His fingers wandered from he

h against her, and then his hand slowly slid to th

ainly did not feel suffering. On the contrary, her slender body felt so good, and the marks on her white skin seemed more like signs of pleasure than pa

s familiar. She didn't dare turn around and look, but sh

s twisting it slowly but firmly. Diana couldn't believe what was happening, or rather, what she was letting happen, or, worse, how instinctively and naturally

this tur

r shoulder. She felt the contact of his teeth against her skin, hard and deadly, and then the touch of his tongue, and just when sh

is turn yo

as doing now or the painting, but she didn't really care. She heard herself sighing and answering "yes" and "ok" to any questio

his erection as roughly as he did. Under her thin clothes, she wore only a pocket-cloth, and when Jack's cock penet

sts and the slower, thicker, more devastating stimulation of her buttocks. He now had her rocking up and down on hi

, Di,

s yourself, you kn

self, touch your clit, I can hear your pussy begging

emed little need to resist him. She pleated her clothes, pulled them down to her knees, thighs, and even her abdomen, and held them tightly around h

you wet

she nodded, continuing

t me

they trembled with need as she raised her hands

te you


ingers greedily, she was surprised how much she liked it. She had

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