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The Billionaire's Secret Babyy

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 702    |    Released on: 10/03/2024


ous, his voice cracking

y yes. Did he think I was kidding? This wasn’t how it was supp

m flattered, really, but you’re…you’re just a kid. Plus, you’re my

told me I’

nd his cheeks turned a

. “Look, you’re a beautifu

y in front of him. I reached up a

pleaded. “It’s the

oulders but didn’t im

me, and he seemed to wan

at me, and I could almost see the inn

but I was afraid I would never get this

ould come f

o many boys out there who I’m sure would fall over themselves to catch your attention. I’m…grumpy. Sh

up at him and took a mo

I was a girl. I know you’re not cold and unfeeling. That’s just the mask you put on for the rest of the world, but I see past that. You’r

e away. He kept me firmly in his grasp as he considered whatever was on his mind. I held my

clenched. He licked his lips, an

ight think that of me now, but you’ll go out into the world a

I don’t think there are a l

at me. He seemed to be studying me, looking

right. “One ki

, and my jaw dr

d we can’t talk about it ever again. If Jaso

iment, but I was willing

hispered. “I won’t bring

sed my shoulders, so he could

, I wouldn’t have been surpris

r several moments, and his

ea what he

led, “D

ead and pressed

y, I whimpered and wrapped my arms ar

beneath his, ea

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