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The Billionaire's Secret Babyy

The Billionaire's Secret Babyy


Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 1102    |    Released on: 10/03/2024



the air and let out a wild lau

o be my best birthd

for me in the woods just outsid

and several kegs

d happy as I danced to the musi

he future was mine for the taking,

that just yet. I just wanted to enjoy m

d screamed out the lyrics t

miliar figure emerging f

that were just like mine. I came to a stop. It took a few moments fo

to the ground and rush

d his arms as I thr

. “Couldn’t miss my baby sist

yes. “Don’t tell Mom and Dad!

“Don’t worry. I won’t tell. Just d

could I do t

person stepped up beside him. Sta

you doing her

mpanion gave me

ightly taller than my brother, with dark brown hair and wide shoulders. He was the most ha

ng me lightly on the head. “Ryan wanted to

Carson, my brother’s best frien

I always felt shy around him. It was frustrating as hell, because I wasn’t a shy person by

umpling, a

,” Ryan said with a smirk, looking

y tucked a stray stran

tching into a goofy, little grin. “

ear it.” H

im. Something I’d been wanting to ask him for a

the tip of my tongue, on the verge of spil

ped Ryan on the shoulder and said, “Let’s go get a drink

odded before flashi

the way of your fun,”

alked toward one of the kegs. I couldn’t seem

an unbid

doing? Snap out o

end, Jessica, rushing toward me with a wild gri

aking my head. “I, uh, guess I

been staring and her mouth dropped op

, she wiggled her eyebrows. “I see your Prince Charming

back to Ryan. “I knew they were coming home, but

side me. We watched the two older men f

ell him?” Jessica a

re you kiddin

perfect night for it! You’re legal, you

lable. Maybe he’s got a g

through me, and I clenched my hands i

rlfriend,” she replied. “He’s prob

on’t say things like that.

espite the many rumors saying otherwise. It doesn’t matter, though. If you’re going to

” I exclaimed. “He hardly knows I exist. If he were

ted. “I’ve seen the way he looks

skeptical loo

n it. There were a few times at your house that I spot

. “Why didn’t you

xplained. “But honestly, I think you have a cha

et my gaze stray to where Rya

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