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The Billionaire's Secret Babyy

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 1418    |    Released on: 10/03/2024


rough me like a

ashed my head fr

. He continued rubbing my clit in tight circl

and he finally was able

e as if giving me time to adjust to

baby. I can feel you relaxing around me.

om lip and nodded, unable t

. When only the tip remained

discomfort, but there was fa

aster. I gripped his shoulders, hanging onto him as tightly a

nts grew m

my moans as I lost myself to th

htening deep

wanted it to. I thought it would be devastating when that tightening

sped against his lips. “

st all control of himself, and I reveled in it. He was pushing me

sumed me was so intense, I was momentarily bli

nd over my mouth to

imalistic snarl, but it didn’t fully hit me that he was o

the world again, I felt

seemed to sink into th

he dopey grin tha

me. He didn’t say a word, but his heavy breat

d gazed at his profile. He was staring up at

ng,” I said wit

at first. Just continue

murmured, “Y

question. “Yeah, I’m great.

hand over his face an

y question. “I don’t want Jason to

anted the two of us to stay right there on the mos

s probably right. Jason would be furio

h, that’s probably a good idea. I…I should get ba

mured. “You sh

ell. Silently, he collected my clothes for me and helped me dress.

able, Ryan regarded me a long moment

that it? Not exactly the

in and pressing a kiss to my forehead. Cupping the

y at a loss for words as his

s hand, I felt a c

, Sam,”

” I replied with

ppeared into the woods that I turned in the direction of t

ls like? This has to b

bed, and my s

bit. A bit of sunshine made its way past my curtains and landed on my

. I made the promise to my

re you up? The

the sound of

nd that I didn’t feel like my head was splitting open. If my mom

and crawled out of bed. I stumbled to the b

first floor, my brother’s voice floated in the air. I

of the stairs and followed

, I found him pacing back and fo

at the heck? An

d, clearly agitated. Concerned, especially since he appeared

sked, coming to a stop in front

tracted by whatever was going o

t he left without a word and now I’m stuck trying to fi

ropped out of my chest and strai

eft?” I whispered, ter

, and totally not what we’d planned. We were supposed to stay the whole

brother, too st


word, the morning aft

after taking

t had been sweet attention had really been guilt and regret. The blank expression

hout a word, but I didn’t have to. I knew instincti

nt nothing to him. It had

very ounce of willpower I had not to bre

Jason know ho

know what I and

et I would ke

abandoned me and

him ruin the

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