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From rejection to unexpected surrogate

From rejection to unexpected surrogate


Chapter 1 The birth of the twins

Word Count: 1385    |    Released on: 14/03/2024

her side, providing support and taking care of both Chantel and the babies. It was during this time that Henry developed an immediate love for the children and considered th

making a mockery of me by insulting me," she cries. "Explain to me, how are you not infertile? That is the reality, you are infertile. It has been months, and I am certain by now she would have given birth, yet I am unable to see my children. You know what, I do not want to see your face until I find Chantel and my children," he declares before storming out of the room in anger. Claire's mother overhears everything, and Claire breaks down in tears, rushing to her room. "Mother! Have you heard the audacity of his words towards me? He dares to say that he no longer wishes to lay eyes upon me. Instead, he desires Chantel and their children. Why am I always destined to be the loser in this cruel game of life? Chantel took Henry away from me when we were but children, and now my own husband..." Claire's voice trembles as tears stream down her face. "Do not wallow in despair, my dear. Instead, take action to reclaim your husband, rather than shedding tears," her mother advises, causing Claire to lift her head. "Mother! I am doing everything in my power to find her, and you know that," Claire says, her voice filled with sorrow. "I am not referring to that, my dear. I speak of devising a plan to conceive a child and preserve your marriage, safeguarding your secret," her mother interjects, and Claire stares at her in disbelief. "Mother! That is not a wise idea. Andrew is already furious, and I must allow him time to calm down," Claire says, her anger rising at the mere thought of involving Chantel. She stands up abruptly. "I deeply regret ever involving Chantel. I need to go out and clear my head," Claire declares before leaving her mother's presence. "I promise you, Chantel, that I will find you. And when I do, I will make you pay for the sorrow you have brought upon my daughter's life," her mother vows, her anger evident as she storms out of the room. Some time later, Chantel steps out of her car accompanied by a nanny and her children. She enters a store to purchase food for her little ones. Meanwhile, Claire has parked her car nearby, lost in her thoughts. As she raises her head, she spots Chantel and can hardly believe her eyes. How can Chantel be so well-dressed? How can she afford a nanny and a driver? Claire hides, inching closer to confirm if it is truly Chantel, still doubting and struggling to comprehend. The driver eventually takes them away, leaving

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