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From rejection to unexpected surrogate

From rejection to unexpected surrogate

Author Elsie


Synopsis Chantel worked as a maid in Andrew and Claire’s Smith’s house. Claire and Andrew are couple.She didn’t know that Claire is her stepsister because she couldn’t recognize anymore after many years. Claire discovered that she was barren and can never have children of her own and she planned with her husband Andrew to get a child from Chantel because she is less privileged, Chantel was chase away from her father’s house years back by stepmom because her stepmother believe that all the wealth will be for Chantel once Chantel father found out about a deep secret about her . Chantel got pregnant and she gave birth to beautiful twins, a girl and boy but she didn’t know who father of her children because she was drug that night by stepsister Claire and her stepsister’s husband Andrew.She Escape from the house when she found out that Claire and Andrew were only after her children but didn’t know they Andrew was the father. She escaped from the Smith house and was knocked down by Henry Williams car by mistake. Henry Williams is Claire and Chantel childhood friend and Chantel is the first love of Henry. Andrew found out that Henry wanted to adopt his children but he couldn’t help but says truth that he is the father of Chantel’s children and that came as shocked to Chantel. Claire had always had crush on Henry since there small. Chantel discovered Claire is her stepsister. Claire wants the kids and Henry and Andrew wanted the kids only.But at this point it’s real battle between two couples because it’s going to be a real wall between the two fathers and the ex maid and the barren wife that wants to become a mother at all cost.

Chapter 1 The birth of the twins

A few months later, Chantel found herself in labor and was rushed to the hospital. After a few hours, she gave birth to a boy and a girl. Throughout the night, Henry stood by her side, providing support and taking care of both Chantel and the babies. It was during this time that Henry developed an immediate love for the children and considered them his own. As the weeks went by, Henry took on the responsibility of caring for the kids, often playing with them and carrying them in his arms before heading to the office.

After a month, Henry's love for Chantel reignited, and he confessed his feelings to her. He expressed his desire to adopt the children and marry Chantel. However, Chantel couldn't forget about the mysterious man who had gotten her pregnant. She often found herself lost in thought, standing by the window. One day, Henry entered the room unnoticed by Chantel, who was deep in her thoughts. He approached her from behind, gently touching her waist, and she smiled, turning to embrace him. Curious about her thoughts, Henry asked when he had entered the room. Chantel admitted that she hadn't noticed his arrival due to her preoccupation. She shared her worries about the invisible man who had fathered her children and questioned his motives. Concerned, Henry asked if she was afraid that he might return for the kids. Chantel nodded, her anxiety evident. Yes, I am concerned about the situation because it could potentially lead to significant issues with your character," she explains. "You have no reason to worry, which is why I have made the decision to marry you legally and adopt the children," he assures. "Do you believe that if this mysterious man who impregnated you brings a cake for his children, you will return to him because he is their father?" he inquires, as Chantel gazes at him. "Why would you think I would do that to you? I love you and I promise to stand by you, no matter what. You were there for me when I needed help the most. I love you not only because you have accepted my children as your own, but also because you were my first love. We have always vowed to support each other, and I will continue to uphold that promise," she declares, resting her head on Henry's chest as he wraps his arm around her waist. "I love you too, and I vow never to harm you," he replies, causing Chantel to smile. Andrew continues to ponder Chantel's whereabouts, sipping his whiskey. Claire enters the room and is dismayed to see Andrew drinking again. She approaches him quickly, snatching the glass from his hand. "What do you think you are doing?" she demands angrily, raising her voice at Andrew. "If you weren't infertile, I wouldn't be so concerned that another woman has taken my children," he retorts. Claire is deeply hurt and furious, striking him hard in the face as tears well up in her eyes. "How dare you call me infertile? You promised to stand by me, and now you are making a mockery of me by insulting me," she cries. "Explain to me, how are you not infertile? That is the reality, you are infertile. It has been months, and I am certain by now she would have given birth, yet I am unable to see my children. You know what, I do not want to see your face until I find Chantel and my children," he declares before storming out of the room in anger. Claire's mother overhears everything, and Claire breaks down in tears, rushing to her room. "Mother! Have you heard the audacity of his words towards me? He dares to say that he no longer wishes to lay eyes upon me. Instead, he desires Chantel and their children. Why am I always destined to be the loser in this cruel game of life? Chantel took Henry away from me when we were but children, and now my own husband..." Claire's voice trembles as tears stream down her face. "Do not wallow in despair, my dear. Instead, take action to reclaim your husband, rather than shedding tears," her mother advises, causing Claire to lift her head. "Mother! I am doing everything in my power to find her, and you know that," Claire says, her voice filled with sorrow. "I am not referring to that, my dear. I speak of devising a plan to conceive a child and preserve your marriage, safeguarding your secret," her mother interjects, and Claire stares at her in disbelief. "Mother! That is not a wise idea. Andrew is already furious, and I must allow him time to calm down," Claire says, her anger rising at the mere thought of involving Chantel. She stands up abruptly. "I deeply regret ever involving Chantel. I need to go out and clear my head," Claire declares before leaving her mother's presence. "I promise you, Chantel, that I will find you. And when I do, I will make you pay for the sorrow you have brought upon my daughter's life," her mother vows, her anger evident as she storms out of the room. Some time later, Chantel steps out of her car accompanied by a nanny and her children. She enters a store to purchase food for her little ones. Meanwhile, Claire has parked her car nearby, lost in her thoughts. As she raises her head, she spots Chantel and can hardly believe her eyes. How can Chantel be so well-dressed? How can she afford a nanny and a driver? Claire hides, inching closer to confirm if it is truly Chantel, still doubting and struggling to comprehend. The driver eventually takes them away, leaving Claire in a state of confusion. "Could that truly be Chantel? Or are my eyes deceiving me? No, it cannot be her. How did she acquire a nanny and a driver?" Claire questions herself, stopping one of the store workers to seek answers. "Excuse me, miss," she politely addresses the staff. "Um... I was wondering if I could inquire about the lady who just left with two children and a nanny. Would it be alright if I asked you about her?" she asks with a smile. "Oh! You mean Miss Chantel," the staff responds, returning the smile. In that moment, Claire becomes convinced that her eyes were not playing tricks on her. "Yes, Chantel is my friend, and I've been searching for her for a long time. Before I could even step out of the car, the driver took her away. Would you mind giving me her address?" she requests, still smiling. "Mr. Henry Williams is going to be her husband, and I've heard that he wants to legally adopt her children. It's wonderful news," the staff reveals, and Claire's mind starts racing as she hears Henry's name. "Thank you for the information," she says as the staff departs. "Henry wants to marry Chantel and adopt the kids. No, I won't allow that to happen. Andrew needs to know about this," she declares, rushing back to her car and driving off, lost in deep contemplation. "I can't let Chantel have Henry. I will ensure that I take the kids away from her and make sure she loses Henry as well. I will make sure she experiences all the pain she caused me," she vows, her cellphone ringing just then. She quickly answers, knowing it's her mother on the line. "Hello, Mum. There's a major problem. I saw Chantel with the kids, but the worst part is that she's with Henry, and he's ready to marry her and adopt the kids," she nervously explains, continuing to drive. "Where are you at the moment?" her mom asks. "I'm on my way to Andrew's office to tell him the news," she replies. "Great! Once you're done, come back home. Chantel will face the consequences," her mom says. Claire ends the call and continues driving quickly. A few minutes later, she arrives at her husband's company and parks her car. She quickly gets out and rushes to Andrew's office. Upon entering, she is shocked to find her husband in a compromising situation with his secretary. Claire drops her handbag in disbelief, and Andrew stands there in shame while the secretary hastily leaves the office.

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