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From rejection to unexpected surrogate

Chapter 4 A promise from me to you

Word Count: 2340    |    Released on: 14/03/2024

Claire noticed him and rushed towards him. "I couldn't hear you clearly. What were you saying on the phone?" he asked, noticing the tears welling up in Claire's eyes. She gazed into Andrew's eyes

to treat me as your guest," she says, laughing. "No, I'm treating you as a friend I used to know a long time ago," he clarifies, and Chantel looks into his eyes, feeling regretful that she's already pregnant and fearing that Henry may never be interested in her again. "What are you thinking about?" he asks, and Chantel removes her hand from his and walks to the other side of the room, closer to the window. "Nothing, I'm fine," she says, but tears start to well up in her eyes. "I am aware of your thoughts," he declares as Chante gazes at him, drawing nearer. "I know you are contemplating the invisible man who impregnated you, but I promise you this. I will always safeguard you and stand by your side. I will ensure justice is served, and I will take care of you and your unborn children," he assures, causing Chantel to become emotional and embrace him tightly. "Thank you," she whispers, struggling to contain her emotions. As the evening progresses and the clock strikes 9pm, a car arrives at the Smith residence. Claire peeks out of the window and spots the driver unloading a suitcase from the car's trunk. She recognizes her mother stepping out of the vehicle and rushes outside to embrace her. "Mum! I've missed you so much," she exclaims, holding her mother tightly. "I've missed you too, dear," her mother replies, leading her into the living room. The maids take care of her mother's suitcase and place it in the guest room. Her mother notices that Claire is not pregnant. "I had a feeling when you sounded emotional on the phone," she remarks, leaving Claire puzzled. "What do you mean, Mum?" she asks, and her mother points at her belly. Claire lowers her head, remembering that she had lied to her mother about being pregnant. "I sensed your emotions over the phone. It means you lost the pregnancy, but don't worry, I'm sure you'll conceive again," her mother reassures her. Andrew enters the living room, greeting Claire's mother with a warm embrace. "How are you, Andrew?" she inquires, and Andrew responds with a smile, saying he is fine. "I'm sorry for the loss of your baby," Claire's mother expresses, causing Andrew and Claire to exchange glances. "Um... it's alright, but I think I'll leave you both to talk. I'll be upstairs in the room," he says, kissing Claire on the forehead before departing. "My dear, listen to me. You don't need to worry too much because you will be fine. This is not the end of the world," her mother consoles, and tears well up in Claire's eyes. "Mum! I need to tell you something," she says, catching her mother's attention. They both make their way to the couch and take a seat. "What is it that you want to confess?" Her mum asks, holding her hand. "I lied to you, Mum. I told you I was pregnant, but the truth is, I was never pregnant," she admits, causing her mum to let go of her hand. "What do you mean?" Her mum asks, puzzled. Claire avoids looking her mum in the eyes. "A few months ago, the doctor told Andrew and me that I am unable to have children. I was so angry and frustrated, so Andrew and I decided to drug our maid, Chantel, so that he could have sex with her without her knowing. Weeks later, they confirmed that she was pregnant, and I was overjoyed at the thought of becoming a mother. Then, they discovered she was having twins, and Andrew and I were ecstatic. But now, she's disappeared, and it seems like she wants to expose my secret to the world. She wants everyone to know that I'm barren, even though Andrew and I have stable jobs and a home. She's an orphan with no one, and she wants to ruin my life," she confesses, tears streaming down her face. "You did all of this without involving me? If you had told me, I could have found someone else for you who wouldn't let you down. Now, she doesn't even know who the father of her children is. Poor girl," her mum says, anger evident in her voice. "What's your plan now? What are you going to do?" Her mum asks, concerned. Claire thinks about how her stepsister, Chantel, could have been helpful if she hadn't been chased away. "If only you hadn't driven Chantel away, she could have been of use to me. She wouldn't ha

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