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Ties That Bind Us


Word Count: 1924    |    Released on: 15/03/2024

always getting in the way whenever I tr

ealize I knew about his shady dealings. His big mistake s

at first, but as I dragged her outside, I heard her mumbling, "--killed him


eard Alex com

passed out in my arms and said,

okay?" A

is question about the girl. If she hadn't been there,

our mind?" A

ride, Alexei," I

ything, he went t

what is going on in that head of yours? You're n

me as I ran my hand through my hair while keeping this u

vatore showing compassion? That

ut the folder. Who knows? If she runs her mouth to anyone and the C

as every part of the contract

Michael planned, and I want to fig


would be interested in his affair with her to make him propose to her tonight? Michael

o get information from her?" Matteo as

r driver. As we all sat in the back of the car, Ale

ong with you?"

The people he was working with might have discovered her location, and they could harm her. By having her with us, they migh

I have different plans with this trouble

ou mean?"

ason not to believe in me?" I ret

g together. I just... I don't want what

that choice. There was nothing you could have

e girl was muttering something, saying HIS name. Mike. It reminded me of

on my

and she almost tumbled. But Alex grabbed her before he could sho

ood?" Matte

inspecting the deep red stain spreading across the back of Alina's dr

d tersely. "We need to get h

turned to me. "Adrian, we should take her

"We're close to the mansion. Call E

belief. "Adrian, she's ble

lacing my words. "Enzo will k

ook her hand. "Hang in there," he whispered

hed to her? He hadn't

cused on Alina. She was unconscious, and the sight of her

eaker, filled with concern. "Wha

ly. "She's unconscious and bleeding

eepened. "Did

ut tonight'

Alex clarified. "But the back

ibility. "Is it her time of the month, or cou

the F


d anxiously. "But we need yo

I instructed over the phone. "We'

ed my mind. Why the hell did

n, ready to assist. The car sped towards our

h passin

as set with all the types of equipment they needed. He placed her in my bed while I sa

octor? He was fast. I

puppy. I stood there, my gaze fixed on the scene unfolding before me. Alex's concern

He asked, turning around to fa

e colder than the chill in the air. "You don't

yes revealing shadows of a pa

sound heartless. There's a girl out there who might be going thr

king onto his eyes

timentality is a luxury I can't afford. This world

h a cynical grin, "Adrian's right, sweetheart. Life'

guard down. The girl's survival was crucial, not out of altruism,

sentimentality had no

itation crossing his face. "Survival doesn't mean ab

re liabilities. They compromise judgment and cloud

h sarcasm, "Adrian's just looking out for the

y callousness. There has to be a balance. We can't let

umanity is a luxury, Alex. One that could cost us everything in t

"Besides, Adrian here might have his reasons for wanting the girl aliv

beneath the surface, but he

ing then. Whatever your reasons,

nzo came in with slumped shoul

and maybe because of seeing Michael shot, she l

breaking through his usual nonchalant demeanor.

ping to the ground. "The trauma...

uation sinking in. The girl's loss became an unforeseen comp


seemed genuinely a

er of sympathy in his eyes.

, turned to me with a searching look. "Adrian, this

ation settling on my shoulders. "No, it doesn

news, added, "Well, at least now

rehend. The girl's well-being was still crucial, but the dynamics of the situat

it out, I read the message from my informant.


Matteo asked, taking

gned! What

ge seeped through me, "Damn

elp Adrian," Enzo said as cooll

ne. And you expect me not to get mad? Do yo


ce, "You're right Enzo, I shouldn't get angry. If Coste

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