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Ties That Bind Us

Chapter 4 HER Promise, HIS Declaration

Word Count: 2180    |    Released on: 16/03/2024

; the pain was unbearable as

had I bee


n, and a maid entered, her foo

othes for Michael's funeral. The sudden flood of light as she flicked the

ble, she did her duty and lef


ealized I was in HIS house, in HI

from the sofa, taking in my su

ut meticulously arranged. Every surface was cloaked in darkness, j

t locks were a tangled mess, cascading untidily around my shoulders, while the black shirt

r Michael's farewell. The black dress, its halter neckline draped solemnly around me, hung just above m

makeup on, and for whom? I just don't feel like it, I j

hy shades would tell you the depth of

ardwood floor chilling my bare feet

ally tucked into his pockets. He was already dressed in his somber blac

n's reflection in the glass, a su

ded an air of effortless confi

, revealing a hint of his toned chest beneath. A silver chain adorned his neck, glinting subtly in the dim light o

ted me further. Every line, every contour seemed designed to provoke. His dark ar

ed jaw, I tor

grumbled, his back

hing over me. "You should be thanking me for showing u

"And you ought to appreciate the chance to bid farewell," he countered, his

't be much of a surprise then," I countered,

usement dancing in them. "Planning to go barefoot?" h

n't exactly have a wardrobe to choose from,"

boxes sat waiting. "You could have made an effo

table and opened the boxes. Inside were two pairs of shoes - o

onto my feet with resignation. When I turned back, Adrian was loo

the heels," he remarked,

hin. "I don't need fashion advice from yo

king the hair on my neck stand on its end. "Mind that tongue, sweetheart, unless you're ke

walked out the d

im. Coming out of the room I noticed a few

imposing presence of the Rolls Royce

d watch, their vigilant eyes scanning t

ed into my spot, keeping a deliberate distance from Adrian. The silence be

nd sat on his side doin

ultuous storm raging within me. Adrian's presence beside me only served to int

esperately for this nightmare to end. But each bump in the road reminded me of the harsh truth, it wasn't a dream. It was the cruel real

an's voice pierced the suffocating sile

No wandering, no escape attemp

ger surged within me, cutting through the numbness. With

around," I snapped, the w

sten up and listen good. I ain't one to repeat myself, and you're starting to grate on my last nerve. If yo

chest like a drumbeat. I knew better than to test his threats; this place was cra

my voice steady despite the adr

ar, he extended his hand towards me, a silent command in his gesture. Reluctantly, I placed my hand in his, not

sed in black. Each step towards the gravesite felt heavier than the last

casket. The polished wood bore a bold 'S' engraved upon it, signifying hi

ved one of mine put to peace. Adrian stood beside me, his presence a cons

ble to compose myself, and not br

e, threatening to overwhelm my fragile composure. Tears pooled in my ey

and unmoved, his expression betra

ces etched with sorrow, or it was all a show, I wasn't sure. Together, they lowe

oignant tradition that spoke of finality and

all come and to which we all return. With reverent gestures, they cast the dirt upon the casket, each grain

it was

ds, I scooped up a handful of earth,

l, a silent farewell to the man I loved with all my heart.

ngers, mingling with my tears, I

d my world with a single bullet, w

sacrifices must be made, I would un

ved, until I had answers to the questi

certain. And when the time came, he would face th

o gaze at the man behind everything I lost! Who stood like a statue, like he didn'

had only

us, a man abruptly stepped into our path, blocking our way. I instinctively s

anor oozing with arrogance and entitlement. I couldn't help but

poke, his voice dri

an responded tersel

?" Oscar questione

rian replied cryptically, leaving me

sive? Maybe because he

tugged at my memory. I couldn't quite place him, bu

y, Oscar turned hi

?" Oscar inquired, eyeing

at the disresp

e, only to be stopped by Adrian's swift intervention. With a menac

" Adrian growled, his voice

's warning, his gaze lingering on me

ing for this girl?" he

tightening possessively around m


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