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Ties That Bind Us

Chapter 6 Slept in MY Arms

Word Count: 2235    |    Released on: 19/03/2024

ensation of something soft beneath me. A shiver ran down my spine as I

eep, I forced my eyes open, but the

e wa

up, my breath cat



noted a woman holding a stack of towels, her features softened by the dim light of the r

soon," she offered

ons swirling like a storm.

e to me. Please, let me know if y

memory of the attack flashed through

whispered urgently, my

me. "Miss Russel, Don Salvatore had instructed you

my tone. Surely, she must have understood how dehumanizing this felt. After

ei was alright. He saved my life," I ple

ammered, her voice bet

veled hair, only to notice the state of my hands. I dis

hands?" I demand

. I'm not your enemy, Miss Russel. I'm genuinely concerned for your well-being. These people are

he swiftly crossed the room, unlocked

they were capable of, and

bed. The cold tiles sent a shiver up my warm feet. I wished I hadn't left the comfort of

against my will. But at this mom

room through the door, finding

o if it's some kind of lockdown? Or was it left open intentionally, a trap waiting to snap shut? My mind

mer of hope ignited within me. Maybe t

wers. Why did he take that bullet for me? I kn

I stumb

Michael was indeed from a Mafia clan. But could Michael really be a part of it? It seemed inconce

a loud noise interrupted my though


obstructed by another wall. Stepping cautiously inside, I posit

g filled the air, each blow ech

es, thundering against my ribcage as the so

he was, right

ent seemed effortless, his muscles rippling under the strain of his workout. His motions were flui

family of killers, where suc

raw power in his stance as he paused, shedding his gloves with a sense

but also the weight of the world's burdens. Perhaps

frustration when he en

y remorse in

s features, cleansing away the physical and emotional residue of the day's events. As he reached for


place, my breath c

es. His piercing gaze bore into mine, cutting through the air like a sharpened b

, his voice sliced through the

his eyes boring into mine with an

ame question," I muttered, my f

asked, his

ersely, shifting my ga

ooking for a way out of this hall, it's no use. It's a dead-end." He paused, shooting me a quic

handle right now. I watched as he disappeared into his room, feel

from the bathroom, dressed in his usual attire of dark j

I demanded, my voice

plied, his eyes still f

wards him and snatching his phone from his hand. "Awake or

s expression unreadable. "Do it again

assertive, before casually tucking it into his pocket. My heart

y voice trembling slightly, but I foug

as chilling. "

nt to know what your plans are with me

his eyes narrowing into a threateni

back down. "You thought I'd forget the

ung girl like you should willingly want to get involved wi

"Well, to be fair, you're keeping me here against

one of the men here are allowed to touch or misbehave in any way w

ion. It was a strange thing for a kidnapper to sa

lear?" His scowl deepened,

g in my stomach. "Yes," I replied, my voice barely

etreat to a secluded corner for privacy. My gaze trailed after him, but something glittering

ooped it up—a brac

ghteenth birthday, adorned with diamond stones

ignificance, the night I surrendered myself to Michael completely, our first time making love. Des

come to posse

wish to see him?" He inqu

tightly. "Why do you have my bracelet?"

across his face, swiftly maske

y with me

I pressed him about the bracelet. His jaw tensed, but he attempted to dismiss

ng too much into it," he muttered, att

that easily. I stepped forward, blocking

That bracelet disappeared from my life the same night you en

n't k

me. But I refused to budge, planting myself firmly in his

my voice rising with each syllable. "Th

certainty dancing in his eyes before it

ern," he bit out, his t

own, my frustration boi

e ringing with defiance. "Tell me the tr

unspoken tension. And then, in a moment of unchec

e roared, his voice reverberating off the w

I staggered backward, stunned into silenc

steely whisper. "That bracelet holds sentimental va

ze, his jaw clenching with

is voice sharp and biting. "Som

caught his hand and stepped in

it," I

d my arms, his grip tight and force

shot back, refus

room the night yo

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